Part 19

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Once I was dressed and I had finished my make up Thomas smiled at me "you look incredible" he smiled giving me a cuddle "you look like a beautiful demonic angel" he smiled squeezing me tight
"Thomas! You'll mess it all it up" I complain "where are we going anyway?" I asked
"A party, Jays having a party to celebrate his new baby" he explained
"Jay?" I asked a little puzzled
"Uhhh it's hard to explain Hun, he's kinda the current god I guess" he explained "he's my cousin, like four million removed I think" he says
"Your family is complicated" I laughed as he took me out the flat and down in the lift
"I know" he laughs giving me a kiss we went down for a long while till the doors opened revealing a dragon boat on a lake of blood and fire
"What's this?" I asked
"We need to get from hell to heaven so we need to go all the way up" he explained
"Why didn't we take the lift?" I ask
"Lift gets us at highest to the top floor of hell, then we need s transport for earth and then you need a ticket for heaven that's needs to be booked for six months in advance honestly going the whole way around the river stix is just easier" he says
"Ohh okay" I shrug as he helped me into the little boat and we began down the dark and evil river.

Welcome to hell beautiful (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now