Part 27

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I stood on the marble walkway above the fires of hell demons and monsters watching on I hid away from everyone not wanting anyone to see me until I was ready,

"Come along sugar cube" my father smiled at me so I smiled taking his hand "I always walked to walk you down the aisle... I feared I never would once I passed" He sighed holding my hand

"Well I never wanted to be married up there, I want to be married down here" I smiled

"I know sugar cubes," he smiled. "Are you really happy with him?"

"I am daddy I love him very much" I smiled

"Okay, he might be the devil but if he makes my baby happy then he's good in my book" he smiled "Come on sugar cube" He smiled leading me forward as everyone saw us music began as I slowly walked the marble walkway Thomas didn't look at me he looked away, I saw all of my family even if most of them where long-dead the other side demons, monsters and Lucifer himself sat I smiled even more seeing them all looking at me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world in my white dress against the black and red of hell. I saw Jay stood with Thomas he didn't seem interested in me as he was clearly checking out Marilyn who sat in a chair not far from him, Mike was with him too clearly whispering something to him my father tapped Thomas' shoulder making him turn to see us I could see by his face he was surprised by me and my white dress but he looked overjoyed "Look after my little girl"

"I will" he nodded "I promise" He smiled my father offered him my hand and he happily took it giving my hand a kiss as he did "You look so beautiful"

"Thank you, you look handsome" I smiled

"Thank you, you ready?" he asks and I nodded "Alright beautiful" he smiled

I remember so little of the actually wedding I was barely listening only doing as I was asked too

"I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride"

Thomas quickly wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me to kiss him. I felt so happy I was his wife. I was the wife of the devil.

"Come on, we have to do something special" he smiled holding my hand as everyone began to move to another place going lower into the bows of hell, everyone who was at our wedding sat there as well as so many people and demons of hell watching as we arrived at a frightening place black stone thrones surrounded by skulls and fire thomas kissed my head and took a seat there as the king of the underworld and the man who married us returned I moved to my knees as I was told often smiling to thomas as it went on

"I Name you Y/n, The Human, The Devil's Wife, Princess of suffering, mistress of all evil and queen of the Underworld" He explained placing the beautiful crown on my head "Arise Your Majesty"

I smiled and stood looking out at hell as it's queen thomas took my hand

"Hello Beautiful" He smiled kissing my cheek "Atlast your my queen, Never imagined the queen of hell in a white dress" He laughs "But I don't think anyone imagined a human queen either" He smiled

"Don't you like my dress?" I giggled

"Of course I do, it's just a little odd to see the queen of hell in white" He laughed "Not just because I know your not a virgin beautiful" he smirked

"Well... how about a little spin?" I smiled

"What?" he asks

"Trust me" I giggled

"Okay" He laughs holding my hand a little tighter and spinning me around I laughed a little as he twirled me faster and faster as my dress began to spark and eventually engulfed in flame so that when he stopped and pulled me close to him leaving me in a black and grey dress charred with the marks of flames "I love you so much" He laughs

"I love you too" I smiled pulling him to kiss me.

Welcome to hell beautiful (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now