Part 25

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"Once an infinitely long time ago, there was nothing. No time, no space, no existence at all… until a man came from a place I knew, he brought with him a son and a daughter. They began creation, creating time, matter and people to aid them… angels. And among these angels both of them found love, each had but one son and when the man saw these children he blessed them each with one gift before he abandoned the world his children had created, the son of the woman gained all powers of creation and the son of the man gained all powers of destruction. The angels separated to aid the children more Angels of creation and Demons of destruction.

Things were fine...for a while. 

Until… my father, he fell in love with a succubus one I'd the evil sinful Demons that wandered the earth before the Time of Eden they were so happy keeping it a secret.

Until I came along. They couldn't really hide me for too long, 

They fought and it was decided that my father would be thrown from the realm of angels to below earth. We created hell and began our own world without everyone else and they shut us out, called there relm heaven, and began creating Eden on earth.

We only wanted to help, take those that heaven wouldn't even if they aren't as strict back then, and we just kept on doing it, until my dad retired and I took over hell" he explained "I don't remember much of heaven I was only a child then, I remember playing with Jay, causing trouble and such...I was kinda a little brat, I got away with it, cute face I guess" he explained 

"Hu…" I said thinking it all over

"So yes beautiful, every earth religion is kinda right but also a little wrong" he laughs "Thomas? Why are you starting to age?" I asked 

"Devil's age when we're happy" he shrugs "when we're happy to live life as it is now, and I am happy to live out my life as king, with you beside me as my queen" 

"Then how long will you live?"

"Ohh beautiful don't worry I'm still immortal, I'll just very very slowly age" he explained

"What about me?" I asked 

"Your immortal too beautiful, but you don't have to worry, you'll be my beautiful queen forever" 

Welcome to hell beautiful (Thomas Brodie Sangster)Where stories live. Discover now