Part 3

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I smiled still getting use to my desk and computer
"So? You like it?" Thomas asks leaning On the wall
"Very much" I smiled
"Good, this is just going to be for a week or two then your my full time assistant alright?" He asks and I nod "good girl, call me if you need me" he says going back to his office so I got on with a little work until the door opened and a man stepped in, in black robes
"I have an appointment at seven thirteen" the voice shrilled
"It's seven thirty sir you've missed the appointment" I answered a little scared
"The bus was late!" It screached
"I'll check if there is time in the schedule" I smiled quickly getting the phone
"Ahh hello y/n, miss me already?" Thomas laughed
"Your Uhhh your appointment is here" I said
"Which one?" He asks
"Seven thirteen?" I ask
"Ahh I see mikes here" he laughs hanging up and within seconds "hey Mike sorry, new girl" he says
"The bus was late!" He screached
"It's alright it's okay, don't worry about it," he says "cancel my eight am" he told me so I nodded "thanks Hun," he winked "let's get in then" he said
"We have much to discuss" he screached
"Why are you talking like that?" Thomas asks as they began walking down the corridor
"Bad throat, got it from my girlfriend's parents place over the weekend" he screached as the went into the office.
As soon as I was done for the day I began packing up
"Hey, you heading off?" Thomas asks and I nod "come on I'll walk you home, as your still getting use to the place" he offered
"Thanks that would be nice" I smiled getting my stuff and going out with him into the rest of the offices
"Oh I wanted to ask you, got any plans for Friday night?" He asks
"Uhh no" I answered as we walked
"Did you wanna come over? I'll make you some dinner maybe we could go out and I'll show you around hell a bit more?" He offers
"I'd like that" I blushed as we got to the lift
"Good, you know... your a very beautiful girl" he says and I blushed harder
"I'm not" I giggled blushing even more looking at my feet
"I think you are" he smirked just as the lift arrived so we both got on "I'll have to be careful such a pretty thing like you being my assistant, not sure I'd be able to keep my hands off you" he smirked as he did I felt a hand on my arse I froze unsure how to respond "especially if you're bending over in that little dress" he smirked winking at me gently groping my arse before he moved his hand away as the doors opened he walked me the rest of the way till we got to my door "you okay?" He asks
"I just I Uhhh" I stutter
"It's okay, sorry I probably shouldn't have" he began
"It's okay, I was just suprised" I blush
"Come on your not tell me knowones every show interest in you like that?" He asks
"Never" I blush
"Well get use to it then beautiful" he smirked "see you tomorrow" he smiled giving my cheek a kiss before he went off back to the lift

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