Part 15

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When I woke up I yawned shifting a little I pulled thomas' arms off me and got up having a stretch being naked of course I took his shirt from yesterday of the floor doing up two little buttons and walking around his apartment, the stone floors slightly cold on my feet it still dark as the blinds where all closed I went over to his kitchen useing his coffee machine to make him a nice big cup of coffee as I did I looked back at the bed and saw Thomas sat up hardly awake at all a ciggerette in his hand his hair a mess and his eyes firmly on me
"Good morning" I smiled
"Morning" he smirked
"I made you coffee" I smiled taking it over putting it on his bedside table
"Thank you beautiful" he smiled "hey? Where's my kiss?"
"Wherever you left it" I giggled
"Don't get smart with me y/n" he warns pulling me down to kiss him so I kissed back before returning to the kitchen to make myself some coffee too "what are you wearing?'
"Don't you like it?' I asked doing a little spin for him
"I like it very much" he smirked "but it's a little too much to wake up to a beautiful women in my shirt after having a hard on all night and sleeping in bed with a pretty girl"
"I thought I looked cute' I giggled
"You do" he smirked pulling the covers down revealing he had tugged his boxers down leaving him leant against his headboard watching me his cock rock hard dripping with precum his hand stroked it a little and he licked his lip looking at me "look what you've done to him beautiful?'
"What did I do?"
"You made him all desperate to fuck that slutty whore he loves so much" he smirked "here now." He ordered so I did as he told me standing by the bed and he pulled me to sit on his lap
"Thomas we have a meeting this morning' I laughed
"I don't care... How am I meant to resist you when you look so sexy? I'm not going to work with a hard on beautiful so one way or another. Get rid of it" he smirked

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