Part 21

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He pulled me into this cloud party, there was some rather loud music playing and a lot of people many of them turning to look at us as we entered many moving out of our way or turning away from us until a man with a little beard he smiled as he saw thomas a he laughed 

"Ahhhh The master of hell himself" the Man smirked coming over and giving thomas a hug

"Jay, Hey man" He laughs 

"who's this then? some new little deamon your angi around with?" jay smirked turning to me 

"Human actuly" Thomas corrected 

"No kidding, What you thinking of having a human queen down in the underworld?" he laughed 

"Maybe" Thomas smirked winking at me 

"Darling..." A familiar voice calls I looked and saw a beautiful bleach blonde woman in a white dress coming to cuddle jay "Aren't you going to come help me with the Angels" she giggled before she noticed us "Hi Thomas" she smirked

"Hi Marilyn" He sighed looking a little awkward 

"who's this?" she asked

"My girlfriend" Thomas said holding my waist close to him 

"huummm.. jay come on darling" she smiled pulling him away

"who was that?" I asked curiously

"Marilyn Monroe" He sighed grabbing a drink from someone who was walking past with a tray of them 

"why did she know you?" I asked

"We Kinda.... used to date" He blushed sipping his drink 

"You used to fuck Marilyn Monroe?" I asked in a hushed whisper 

"Kinda... Look we where together for like six months she never got past my like thrid test so your already beating her hun" He smiled giving me a kiss on the cheek 

"Still! you dated Marilyn Monroe"

"It was like three decades before I met you Darling" he laughs "what are you jealous or something?"

"Maybe" I muttered snaching the drink out his hand and having a sip 

"Awww darling, that's adorable" He laughs givig me tight hug "Darling it was years ago and I didn't even consider her to be my queen" He smiled "But you... after tonight's party I'll talk with the deamons and have them start making plans"

"for what?"

"For your corination darling" he smiled kissing me "I'll make you my little Queen Of The Underworld" 


"Of course darling, that is if you still wanna be my queen?" He asks

"Ohh thomas of course I do" I smiled hugging him tightly 

"Awww okay we'll sort it out as soon as we get home" He smiled "But you know if your going to be my queen, Kinda need to get something else sorted?" 

"Get what sorted?" I asked 

"well... If I'm a King and your going to be my queen, Before You can be crowned we..." he began grabbing something from his jacket pocket revealing a ring of gold with a huge blood red stone with a flicker of fire preserved in the stone "Sort of need to get married don't we?"

"Ohh thomas...." I smiled blushing like crazy and almost crying  hugging him tightly ...

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