part 10

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"I don't know... Thomas I don't-" I began
"I'm not going to fuck you y/n don't worry, I just want to get a feel, and see.if you can take all of me" he smirked pushing in deeper and deeper until he was hilt deep inside me "uhhhh! Oh fuck! Ummmmm you feel so good, you feel heavenly" he groans before slipping out "that's enough for one night" he smirked getting up and getting his pants on so I sat up slipping my dress back on having no panties as they where in shreds on thomas' bed "so... I'll se you at work in Monday" he smiled giving my cheek a kiss "don't worry we'll continue our tests soon enough" he smirked
"How am I doing?" I asked
"Outstanding beautiful, passed all of them so far... But we have a lot more of them to go" he smirked "your sure you don't want me to walk you home?" He asks holding my hands
"I'm sure Thomas, I'll be safe" i giggled Hugging him close
"I know you will, okay I'll see you on Monday beautiful" he smiled
"On Monday Thomas" I smiled kissing him deeply before heading off home

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