Part 23

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I crawled onto the bed rather excited. I sat on my knees on the blood red sheets waiting as he stepped over his brown eyes flicked up and down my body with a sly smirk on his lips. He ran his thumb across my cheek caressing my face before his hand slipped down to my neck before I could do anything. My nightie was ripped away in shreds across the bedroom floor leaving me naked. I blushed a little as it may in fact be the first time Thomas as ever seen me completely naked all at once,

"Beautiful" he smiled "my beautiful queen, my demonic little angel," he muttered between kisses on my neck "why do you have to look so beautiful? How am I meant to resist your beauty?" He smirked grabbing my waist and kissing me hungrily and passionately, he forced me on my back rather aggressively pushing my legs apart leaving nothing hidden from him, I could almost him a groan or perhaps a growl in his throat as he spoke "I've waited so long to finally have you beautiful, from that first moment I saw your across my desk...I wanted you, now your going to be all mine," he said kissing my thighs and stomach "we best get planning beautiful, I don't know how long I can wait" he smirked grabbing my hips and pushing himself Inside me as deep as he could, I tried not to sqeaul as he slowly moved himself base to tip Inside me slowly moving so just the tip was inside me then all of him over and over I held his neck tightly often pulling him to kiss me as he got faster and faster "ohh fuck you beautiful girl, you feel so good, how am I meant to resist your pretty little pussy" he smirked getting faster still so I could hear the bed hitting the wall over and over with Thomas' rythmic movements I was in another state, another world, unable to focus on anything but the feelings in my stomach that built winding ever tighter each time he dove hilt deep inside me I knew I was beyond close and so was he both of us moaning, groaning and gasping for air desperate for release

"Uhhh Thomas!! I love you" I screamed getting closer

"Uughhh fuck I love you too!" He groaned and at that second I shot into my orgasum and he tensed up more as I tightened on him he let me ride it out before he pulled out and almost instantly finished on my stomach he looked annoyed, frustrated even so I sat up wrapping my arms around him again a little confused

"What's wrong?" I asked 

"I can't finish inside you y/n, I can't...risk it" he says resting his hand on my stomach "but you feel so amazing when you cum, when you tighten Around me and you start shaking ummmm I get so close… but I can't so I have to stop myself from cumming even though I really really want to and then pull out and jerk off on your stomach" he explained "it's's not as nice but it's safer," he shrugged 

"I don't mind you finishing inside me" I giggled

"Not till we're married beautiful" he reminds kissing my nose "trust me...on our wedding night I will, and I will enjoy it very much" he smirked collapsing beside me and tucking the covers around us he cleaned up my stomach with some tissues for me before we cuddled up close together for a while 

"Thomas?" I asked curiously fiddling with my fingers on his chest 

"Umm?" He asks his eyes barely open where he was clearly tried after all that work 

"Would you want to cum somewhere else? Till we're married?" I suggest

"Like where?" He asked curiously

"Like maybe… on my hands, or my boobs, or on my butt, or inside my mouth, maybe even in my butt if you wanted" I suggest and I could feel his cock get hard close to my arm 

"Uuuhhh don't talk like that" he groans kissing my head 

"Why not?" I asked with a giggle

"Because then I will" he growled 

"Would you let me... decide?" I smirked sitting up in his lap 

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously and I just smirked at him "oooohh…" he smirked pulling me closer to him as he sat up a little more and licked his lip looking at my naked body "you mean you wanna be... in charge?"

"Maybe" I giggled 

"Uumm stop it" he groans kissing down my chest 

"Stop what?" 

"That dirty mouth, I can't handle it, I can't hear you talking like that… I can't stop myself" 

"Then don't" I ordered 


"Don't stop yourself…"

"Don't tease the devil y/n" he warns 

"Why? Will he actually grow some balls and fuck his little whore?" I growled back the second those words came from my mouth he forced me down on the bed on my back and crawled over me like a panther 

"Don't provoke me beautiful" he warns his eyes dark with lust a authoritative tone in his voice 

"Why not? It's fun" I smirked 

"Fun? Is it fun for you to be cruel to me? You enjoy teasing me? Get a sick kick out of my pain? out of making me hard just so you can torcher me more?" He smirked 

"Yeah" I giggled

"I knew I picked the right wife" he growled flipping me on my stomach pushing my head into the pillows "you want me to fuck you like a whore? fine I'll pound your pretty pussy till my cum is dripping out of you princess!" 

"Thomas no I was only kidding" I giggled playfully

"Yeah? Well I wasn't" 

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