part 24

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I smiled as I laid on Thomas' Chest while he played with my hair and kissed me gently, his fingertips gliding across my skin experimentally as if he was learning Every curve and every bump of my body even if we where both exhausted.

"Thomas?" I asked 

"Ummm? What is it, my queen?" He asked 

"Will you tell me?" I asked 

"Tell you what?" 

"What really happened? How this all came to be?" 

"You really wanna know?"

"I do" I nodded 

"Alright, but this is a story I need to put pants on for" he laughs getting slowly up and starting to dress, I watched him as he pulled his tight black cotton boxers over himself the waistband lingering on his hips, his bulge still obvious even after all that, he grabbed a pair of black jeans pulling them up to his waist and doing them up "do you like watching me?" He smirked fixing his hair a little and I noticed something as I laid in my bubbly state looking at him lovingly noticing the little things you'd only noticed after months of even years of looking at someone. 

He looked different from the day I met him, his hair longer and more brown then blonde now, His face gaining a little stubble not much but it was the beginning of something. He was...older? But he's immortal? Isn't he? 

"I do" I smiled "you're very beautiful"

"Awww thank you" he smiled blowing me a kiss as he got his shirt on "you know you could get dressed too rather than sitting there watching me?" He jokes 

"I could," I smiled, slipping out of bed slipping on some good underwear and a little red dress and sitting at the dining table with him ready to hear the story.

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