Standing in the Dark

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*Hey guys! It's EO and I'm back with another chapter. CAUTION: IF SCARED EASILY, DON'T CONTINUE! Eli finally meets his kidnapper, Enjoy!*


Cold, dark, and damp was all that I saw and felt before everything went blurry. It felt like a dream, no, a nightmare was a better description for it. Everything happened so fast, I didn't know what to think, but mostly all I could think of was my family. Did Mom notice I was gone? Is Dad looking for me right now? Is my brother and sisters worried? My head was racing with questions while I laid on the cold, concret ground in silence and darkness. Trying to move around, I felt the weight of chains that were connected to my limbs, restraining me to use the strength I had left. Rattling at my sudden movements, I found a wall that wasn't to far from me, and placed my back up against it. My whole body was in so much pain as if I had got kicked and punched a million times. Moving my hands over my body, I automatically placed them on my temple. There was a bandage that wrapped around my head as I felt along the soft material. Frowning my face, I felt where the wound was as it stung on the left side of my head, and that's when the dizziness started to come over me. I laid my head on the wall, and shut my eyes to keep myself from fanting again.

I blinked to clear my vision, and tried to make out where I was. My eyes had adapted to the darkness enough for me to make out the figures that were in the room.

There were four windows, but they all were covered by sheets, only a small bit of moon light could peek through the pattern sheets. In the middle of the room, there were objects that looked like chairs for that matter. They scattered the room as if a class of children have been here. There was a crooked long table bent out of place at the legs on the right side of the room, some how as bad as it looked it still had strength to hold an old box like television. I wasn't really sure what type of television it was, but I was certain that I didn't want to find out if it worked or not.

Memories of the movie, Saw, flooded my mind. I knew I should've listened to Mom, and not have watched the disgusting movie. At that moment, my heart and mind stopped all at once.

In the distance, far from the dark room, I heard laughter. The laugh sounded as if it was traveling up a hallway, accompanied by huge foot steps coming at a quick pace. The laughter echoed so deep that I officially thought it was a growl, it was psychotic, and it was getting closer each second that passed. I quickly laid back down, but this time with my body facing the wall. I didn't want to see anything that was coming, I knew that it was probably the same guy that had kidnapped me, but I still was too afraid to face the horror that would come with him.

I tried my best to control my breathing as the laughter and footsteps got closer and closer, until they just stopped. I squeezed my eyes even tighter, afraid of what might happen next. I was paralyzed, I didn't dare move as what sounded like a door had creaked open. I heard shuffling, and knew the person had entered.

"Eli...Eeeelliii...I can seeee yyyoouuu." He was singing my name in a deep, groggy, tormenting voice as if he was holding a voice recorder to his mouth as he spoke. I tried my best to go limp as I was before, but my body continued to shake from fear. I felt a tear slip down my cheek, I forced myself to believe that this couldn't be real, that I would wake up back in my and sound. "Eeeeeeeeeeellllllliiiiiiiiiii."

The shuffling finally stopped as he was now standing right behind me, there was just silence. I didn't move, I couldn't. I knew he was still there, I felt him, heard him...I even smelt him.

A few minutes went by, and nothing else happened. I thought maybe he was gone, and that was just messing with me, making me think he was behind me, but that wasn't true. My next move will always be something I would look back at, and regret.

I slowly turned around to find no one there, but the scent was stronger than ever. He was in the room somewhere as the silence was getting more intense. Before I turned around, I heard something move above my head. Not thinking at all, I turned around immediately. Instead of the wall I came face to face with my nightmare, his face was an inch from mine as it laid upside down. The man that kidnapped me was beyond terrifying than I remembered, his eyes were a bright grey-ish white, but one looked outward. His nose pointed upright as if it was being pulled up by a piece of tap, and his lips were as thin and pale as a piece of paper. I screamed as loud as I could before he grabbed my face, I wanted to puke as he stunk with the stinch of death. Not knowing what to do, I passed out from all the trama and stress. The last thing I heard was his laughter before he whispered something to me, but didn't understand most of it as they were just small whispers.

"Welcome home little Eli, we've been waiting for you...."

*Omg guys! Plz tell me why I wrote this in the dark, literally almost gave myself a heart attack when I heard a small noise😰 Anyway who cares, he's not real! I think... Hope you guys enjoyed, and stay with me on this one. It will all be over sooner than you think<3*

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