Stay with me 2: The Talk

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°Hello everyone!! I back with the chapter "Stay with me" since Olivia and Elliot has more to share with you all, so why waste a name for the whole chapter. Anyways, Lol, I don't want to keep you all waiting so hear it is folks.°


"I hesitated for awhile not knowing how to ask her this, but it has to be said some time or later, here we go. "Liv I know this isn't my place to ask, but I have to ask where is the father." I said kind of scared of what she would say next, but now seeing the look on her face actually gave me a me wondering why did i ask in the first place.    


Olivia's POV 

I so love his face right now, Elliot Starbler is so cute when he doesn't know what's going on, so i might as well love it while i still can. "You okay, Stabler, you haven't touched your drink." I giggled inside when he looked at me, but didn't know what to say as he hesitated.

Elliot's POV

"Liv, I know this isn't my place to ask, but I just have to ask, where is the father?" I hesitated waiting for her reaction, thinking that she would ignore the question remember to despicable heartbreak, being left with a child and working long hours is just terrible. Instead I got a knowing look from her, like she expected the question and a grin to started form at the corner of her lips.

"I  just knew you were going ask that." She said placing her glass down on the coffee table. "He's in prison." As she said that my eyes grew big, 'he's in prison...' I finally let this all sink in enough to ask her another question.

"Liv, did he hurt you and the baby?" I said as I looked at her with caution, she shook her head no. I looked away filled with relief. "Good, I thought I would have to kill someone, and I just got back."

"Jealous much, Stabler." she said smiling, as she brought the wine glass to her lips drinking the last sip of the red wine.

"Jealous 'no'. Caring 'yes'. Why should I be jealous, you're mine now, the prick doesn't known what he's missing." I said as I placed my hand on her thigh and smiled reassuringly.

"I don't know about that, Stabler."she smirked as I startes to looked confused. "You haven't marked me yet, so that means I'm still my own property. "

"Oh, don't worry, that won't be a problem. You were mine for 12 years." I said smirking as I started rubbing up and down her thigh. "So that means, you are mine till death do us part."

"...Yayy! I get to be with you forever and forever." she said in an adorable child like manner, wrapping her arms around me, her just 3 inches away from mine. "You'll get tired of me soon, I promise you that, Stabler."

"I don't know about that, I've handled you for 12 years, defining you as the most stubborn, irritating, a pain in my..." I stopped as I saw her raise her brow at me showing her serious/offended look that I know so well. thinking it was so adorable I just smiled. "Fun-loving, hard working, thoughtful, oh and don't forget beautiful.."

"Oh cut the crap Elliot, you don't mean all that." she said as she sipped some more wine she had just poured in her glass. I'm so confused, why wouldn't she think she's not all those things. All the things that I love about her and wouldn't want her to change for the world.

"Liv..I'm serious, I mean everything I say, you have so much positive than anything negative about you, I can name so many words that describes you which made want to fall deeper for you every second that passed by as I look into your eyes." I said never taking my eyes away from hers and hers never leaving mine. "I would never lie to you about how I feel towards you, I've held that in to long.... we both did."

When I said that I finally noticed how close our face has gotten, I wasn't afraid anymore, that's when our lips touched. It was so passionate, I couldn't describe how I was feeling at that moment, it was just us and nothing could stop this from happening. The kiss got even deeper as laid on my back, while she was on top of me. I stopped kissing her as peppered little kiss all down her neck, and caught her scent at the same time, 'lavender' I fell in love with the scent the second year as partners. Locker room and the cribs always smelled like her and was such a bliss to me, after having dreams about her while sleeping in the cribs, that's when I finally noticed I was falling for her, at the time it was wrong to leave think about another women while currently married to another. Now it's different, since Kathy and I are completely divorce, I had a chance, I'm just glade that I sent her a letter, letting her know I wanted to here from her, I was surprised she called me after how I left her like I did. That's the only reason I really knew you loved me....

I was brought out of my thoughts hearing Olivia moaned as I started to kiss one spot on her neck, which made her go crazy. 'Found it' I thought to myself as I place my thumbs on her hips as I roled them in circles, massaging them I can tell that she's been under alot of stress, looks like I was doing it just right for her when she started to moan in pleasure.

"Wow, Olivia Benson actually has a soft spot." I laughed as I kissed her in that main spot on her neck that drove her crazy, just to hear her moan again, I love it when she does.

"Ohh...Stabler..don't. " she started to mumble, unable to form words right at that moment. "Don't.. stop.."

"I'm not going to...but, I'm going give you something even better this time, instead of making love to you like I've dreamed about..I'm going to touch you like you never been touched, I'm going to give you all my love that I have for you." I started stocking the side of her cheek, enjoying how close they were, melting in her touch. "May I?"

Olivia's POV

"May I?"

....'He wants to give me all the love he has for me.' No one ever insisted on intimacy, but at the same time, Elliot isn't like the others..he's different, he even looks at me differently. We've waited to long for each other, feel one intercourse, just a touch to relieve everything we had been through, just us.

"I would love that very much, I want you to touch me with all the passion for me to feel that you're never going to leave again." I said grazing my hand over the tiny hairs on his head as I still sat on top of him, looking at his expression. They were soft expressions, as he looked at me long and hard reassuring me that he will never do that to me again, gently messaging my sides he finally said something after the silence:

"I promise you on my mother's grave, that I will leave you Olivia Maria Benson, I will stick be your side through sickness and in health, if you're down... I will go to he'll and back to make sure that you would never feel like that ever again, I'll will always be the wind underneath your wings. We're partners for better or for worse...."

I was so speechless at that moment, I didn't know exactly what to say, but all I could this about is that I knew why fell in love with this wonderful man in the first place... after I tried so hard not to, just to respect his we have a chance.

When I finally came back to the present, I found myself underneath a giant..A giant that I love the most. Not knowing how I ended up in this situation, but didn't care at the same time, as I felt a tear slide down my cheek at all the happiness I felt....I pulled him down to me before he could say anything to me about the tears and kissed him showing him that I feel the same.

"I love you." I said kissing him once more not wanting to stop. For the night we gave in to each other for once, so tired of running away from our feelings, now we're reunited once more and nothing is going stop us from enjoying this moment we've dreamed about. 'Until next time you all.'

*Hope you all enjoyed, like Liv said 'until next time'😉😉*

P.S. You should go check out one of my favorites called The New Guy by @anonymous6427 it's just spectacular promise me you guys will LOVE it. Oh and also anonymous6427 and I created an account that we will be sharing to create a book we've been talking about so we will let you all know when it will be released!! Have a great day everyone. 😜😜

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