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Emerson and I linked arms as we walked towards the Thestrals that pulled the carriages.

"So Remmy's a professor this year, huh?" I smiled at my best friend.

"Yeah, it's definitely going to put a damper on my social life, though," we both laughed and climbed into the carriage as Harry, Hermione, and Ron caught up to us and sat down.

"Hey Quinn!" Harry and Hermione hugged me and I smiled at Ron because we had seen each other just the day before. As I thought of the weird vision thing I had... ever since I was petrified last year I've been having these weird dream-like things about when we're all older, but they feel so real. This one was different though, everything seemed to fit together, like a movie or something. Harry seemed to notice I was silently freaking and grabbed my knee to stop it from bouncing. I just bounced the other one.

"You okay Quinnie? Did something happen to you on the train again?" Harry whispered so he didn't grab the others' attention.

"I'm okay, Harry, I just passed out, and you know those weird dreams I've been having? I got one of those, I'm trying to figure out what it means." He looked at me sadly and told me to come to the Gryffindor common room after the Feast. (cue me procrastinating for like an hour) 

~Time Skip~

 Dementors. Suck. No joke, if I could get rid of them all forever, I'd probably do it. Anyway, after the feast I said goodbye to Emerson and walked with the Gryffindors to their common room, talking to Fred on the way.

"No way! A Hippogriff would definitely beat a werewolf in a fight! Have you seen their talons? You gotta pick a better fighter!" I asked Fred incredulously, he was about to answer when Lee Jordan chimed in.

"Are you guys still playing that ridiculous game?" last year Harry got me this cool wizard version of Dungeons and Dragons for Christmas. Fred and I have been obsessed with it ever since. "Either way, a Basilisk would win every fight you nerds come up with." He laughed and walked away. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around frantically. The Basilisk is dead. It's dead and it has been since last year.

Quinn sits at a table in the library with Hermione.

"Goodnight Quinn, thanks for helping!"

"Night 'mione!"

She walks back towards her common room but stops suddenly when she hears an odd slithering sound. Pushing her glasses up, she peers around the corner and freezes, slipping into a dream that she wouldn't wake up from for nearly seven months.

"Quinnie? You okay?" Fred stood in front of me as Gryffindors bustled past.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, it's just last time I was here I was petrified for six and a half months. Wild times." I chuckled nervously, hoping Fred would just leave it.

"Yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck, "You know, after Cedric found you, Hermione saw him carrying you to the hospital wing and told all of us. We thought you were dead, Quinn. And when we knew you weren't we didn't leave your side. Cedric, Emerson, and I didn't go to classes half the time. What I'm trying to say is, we're always here for you, no matter what. Don't forget that, we love you Quinnie." They really are my best friends.

"Come on Freddie, lets go." He slung his arm over my shoulders and we pushed through the portrait with the rest of the Gryffindors.

~Some time later (probably like 3 minutes idfk)~

"We have been assembled to figure out Quinn's weird dreams so she can actually sleep for once. Any questions or comments before we start?" Harry stood in the middle of the common room after everyone we didn't know was in the dorms. Ron passed around some jellybeans which I happily grabbed, I always seem to get the good flavors. 

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