Emerson & Draco

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I ran out of the common room and I turned down one of the many corners and came face to face with Percy.  Ugh, can this get any worse?

"Emerson? It is way past curfew and you shouldn't be out of bed. I'll have to notify Professor Snape, and your uncle." I stared him down and arms crossed across my chest. He really doesn't have a life at all, does he?

"Shut up, Percy. Leave me alone and keep your nose out of my business." I walked past him and I could hear him follow me. Ugh, really?

"Emerson Black, this  is wildly inappropriate. I am a prefect and you should treat me with respect." I rolled my eyes and ran ahead, then turned down a dark corridor and took off my shoes so he couldn't hear me in whichever direction I decided to go. 

Eventually, I ended up in the breezy Astronomy Tower. He shouldn't have followed me this far, and if he did, well Harlem isn't afraid to use him as a scratching post. I sat down with my legs hanging over the side of the tower itself, Harlem took the safer spot a few feet behind me. Smart cat. Less smart witch. 

"It's not smart for you to be out here so late, princess. Dementors being on the hunt for Black and all." Blaise Zabini, wow. 

"They're not allowed on school ground, Zabini.  Also, I thought the princess thing was over." He sat down next to me. 

"Oh really now? I didn't think they listened really well, and neither do I. The princess thing will never be over." 

"Well, maybe I like the risk that being out late gives me, and if I'm a princess, you're a muggle. " He chuckled, wow, he has emotions?

"You know princess, Draco does feel bad he made you so upset. Truly, he would rather be dead than see you hurt."

"Zabini please, I don't wanna hear it. Draco's knows better."

"I know, but he regrets what he did, if only you'd hear him out-" 

"Did he make you come say that to me? So I would waltz back into the common room and apologize for being angry for him literally stalking me and invading my privacy?" 

"No, I came to say it myself. He always feels bad whenever he hurts your feelings, or offends you in any way. I know you won't listen; so I'll stop trying, but I just came to give you this," He handed me a small parcel and a zip up jacket. "Think of the parcel as a late birthday present from me. Oh, and the jacket is Draco's, I thought you might want it, you left your robe in the common room." He stood up and messed up my hair, then left like he was never there. A phantom.

I sighed and pulled the jacket on over me. I'll have to thank Blaise for noticing later. Turning my attention back to the present, I gingerly pulled open the wrapping paper and it was a emerald encrusted tiara along with a note. "A princess should always have a tiara. Don't even think about trying to give it back."

I am definitely getting him back for the tiara. He should know better, especially when I can change my form at will. 

"C'mon Harlem, lets go get in trouble." She meowed at me in response and we headed off. 


"All I'm saying, Harry, is that frogs are scary and that penguins are not." I said as Harry slammed down his forkful of hashbrowns. 

"Penguins are terrifying! They can't fly and they can vault themselves at high speeds into the water, they could hit you and kill you." He argued back as some other Gryffindors listened in on our conversation with intrigument. 

"When are you ever going to be in the same water as a penguin?" Seamus snorted at my counterback and Harry shot him a look.

"I-I I don't know!"

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