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Quinn and I hooked our arms together as we walked towards the Thestrals that pulled the carriages.

"So Remmy's a professor this year, huh?" She asked with the most giddy smirk.

"Yeah, it's definitely going to put a damper on my social life, though." I said while laughing along side her, she knew that it would effect her as well. Remus was not afraid to lecture her about the things she does with the twins.

"Hey Quinn!" Harry and Hermione hugged Quinn and I smiled at Ron in a friendly nature, hoping that he wouldn't think I was hiding my dad either. He smiled back and handed me chocolate frog.

"Professor Lupin told me to give it to you, and I know that even though Sirius is your dad, and you love him. That you wouldn't hide him out." I smiled sadly, these guys really don't know me all that well.

"Thanks Ron, I appreciate it a lot. I can promise you I'm not hiding my dad, I just hope he's okay and safe wherever he is. Y'know? That's my dad." He nodded and got in the carriage and helped Hermione, Quinn and myself up by grabbing our hands and helping to pull us into our seats. What a gentleman, who knew Mr. Ronald could actually take his own head out of his ass? I'm kidding, I'm kidding.

The carriage lunged forward and the thestrals started to carry themselves in a brisk walk. It makes me wonder, am I crazy for being able to see them? I know that not many students are able to see them, but there are a few. Hagrid has admitted to being able to see them, maybe I can talk to him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

"Em? Em, are you okay?" I snapped out of my daze by Quinn who was squatted down to my sitting height and clapping in my face.

"W-What it is Quinnie? What's wrong? Is someone hurt? Is Remus okay?!" Fear filled my eyes before I glanced around me, everyone besides Quinn was already off the carriage.

"No, no he's okay. Nobody is hurt, are you okay? You blanked out, nobody could get your attention. Is everything okay? " She asked with worry lines creasing her forehead. I nodded and got up from my seat and smiled at her a little.

"Yes I did, I'm just having an off day. It's because I'm worried about dad, I'll talk to you later." She nodded and got down before I jumped and landed on my feet. Hermione gave Quinn and Ron a strange look before I grabbed my things and walked away not saying a thing, hoping to Merlin that Draco wouldn't ask what happened to me.

Somehow he always knew when something was wrong with me, and I had a feeling he was going to want to try and apologize for what Goyle said to me. He always felt bad when I cried, even if it wasn't his fault. People wouldn't believe it, but he actually is a nice person, especially when his dumb friends are around. They effect him in such a way, I'd never recognize him if I didn't know that he did this.

I could feel people staring at me, how long had I been out of it, it got so dark. Hmm, well, I'll find my way. I was walking quietly by myself when I heard a branch snap. Turning around I didn't see anyone but that didn't mean that someone or something wasn't out there. I mean I go to a magic school for Merlin's sake. I turned back to face the direction I was going when Draco appeared in front of me.

"Bloody hell Draco! Warn me before you decide to give me a heart attack like that again." I held my chest and breathed heavily. I could see him suppress that iconic smirk.

"Emerson, I expect you to tell me what happened to you today and what happened after you went off on Goyle. You are aware he is an imbecile, aren't you? Because I think you should be at this point." I smiled and laughed at him and walked with him up to The Great Hall and to our spots at the table. 

~timeskip because i'm lazy~

After dinner was fairly boring because all the new first years were trying to figure out how it all worked here. That meant they were mostly all in bed asleep due to being exhausted. Which left all the other students either joking around with each other,  getting ready for bed, or in my case sitting around the fireplace with a nice wool blanket that Molly knitted me for my birthday over my legs with Number The Stars in my hands.  The common room was oddly more quiet than usual, usually there was groaning and scoffing, but as of now it was silent and all you could hear was the fire crackling and other kids going up the stairs to their dorms. It honestly was the best time to just sit and read. Which is what I was enjoying, until I heard the stairs creak a little and I felt eyes on me. 

"Draco please, I really don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to enjoy my book, Merlin I'll even read it to you just please, I don't want to talk about it." I could hear him sigh and shuffle over to where I was sitting on the couch. 

"Emerson, you know I can't stand to watch you sit around clearly upset about something. So you're going to tell me what it is, okay?" I slowly closed my book and scooted over so he could sit down. 

"I-its my dad. I-I...I just want him safe. He means so much to me, I can't stand to lose him. A-and then when Goyle called him a murderer, and then accused me of hurting those innocent people, it hurt s-so m-m-much," I started stuttering and hiccuping. "Remus tries his best to comfort me but it doesn't help. I want my dad. I need him back, Draco. I can't go without him for much longer."  My vision was clouded by the tears that were threatening to spill over, but I could make out the concern on his eyes. 

The sudden weight of all the stress and pain that I had been holding in for months came crashing down. My shoulders started to shake and I could feel him pull me into his chest. The hot tears streamed down my face and fell onto his sleep shirt. His hands wrapped around my frame and his hand ran up and down my back in a soothing way. 

"Shhh, you're okay. I'm right here. I promise I'm not gonna go anywhere. I promise you. I'd never break a promise to you." His lips pressed to the top of my head which made my shuddering get worse and the tears kept flowing.  Draco moved to place most of my weight on one side of his body, I didn't know what he was doing until I heard him clear his throat quietly and read from my book. 

""Smell the air,"  Mama said when they stepped off the train and made their way to the narrow street. "Isn't it lovely and fresh? It always brings back memories for me."" The voice he used as he read was much softer than his regular one, one that brought me comfort. The tears slowly stopped and my hiccuping ended once my eyes started to close. His even tone of voice and his heartbeat lulled me into a dreamless sleep. 

uhm so Draco is a major sweetheart to Emerson, so yeah. that's that, yay. i hope you like this, also this is caitlin/cate

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