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I stormed out of the library and fell down to the ground outside the hallway, Remus came up behind me and gently picked my frail body up.

"Emmy, oh honey I am so sorry." Remus said quietly and soothingly while taking my hands and pulling me into his abandoned classroom. "I should have gotten there sooner, maybe this would have turned out different. If only I knew that this was going to happen, I tried to get there as fast as I could dear. " He pulled me into a tight hug and ran his weathered hands over my hair, and down my back.  

"H-how could he do that Uncle-Uncle Remus? He knows h-how m-much much dad m-means to me. He knew it damn well!" My face was covered in tears and even though I couldn't see it, I already knew it was red and splotchy.  Damnit, I hate it when I cry.

"I don't know, but you need to calm down or you'll make yourself sick." He was right, I didn't need to be sick on him or myself. I shakily sat down onto one of the student desks and pulled my knees up to my chest and tried to take a few breaths. 

"Uncle Remus...I want Harlem... I don't want her to be alone for too long. Can you please go and get her for me?" He nodded and quietly left the room, locking the door behind him so nobody could come in looking for him, or me. 

How could Draco do that to me? He broke my trust, I trusted him to never hurt me. He promised me the first time I'd ever went over to his manor, he promised to never hurt me or break my trust. I guess promises don't mean shit to him. I should put a jinx on him so that his life is just made a little bit worse. On the other hand... I could owl his mother, she might actually send him a very angry howler, and that's just plain rude and mean. Honestly, Narcissa would do it just for me, besides her son, I am her favorite child. A howler still may be overkill, buuuuuttttt I'm angry at him for what he did, so I get a free pass. 

The door quietly creaked open to show Uncle Remus with my favorite small black ball of fur in his arms.

"She was sleeping on the common room rug in front of the fire, and she looked so peaceful, so I used a harmless charm to lift her up. Now, you take her, and calm down. I have to finish some things to do, but I arranged for you to be able to have a room to yourself for tonight. It's an older and more unkempt, but it'll do for today. How does that sound dear?" He gently hands me Harlem and leaned against his desk with his arms crossed. 

"It sounds great...Thank you Uncle Remus. I love you." 

"I love you too Emerson, now enough being upset.  You need rest, today was very long. Here's some tea and a piece of chocolate. You know what I say, especially to Harry." 

"Yeah I know, 'Eat, you'll feel better.'"I smiled and took the warm cup of tea and small square of chocolate from him. Remus ran a hand over my head and walked out of the room, where he left  me for a few more hours until it was time for him and Professor McGonagall to escort me to my room for the night. 


The entire day, Harlem and I sat in his office while we waited for night to fall, god I seem like a bum when I say that. But that's what happened. The day had been fairly uneventful and it was kinda nice honestly. Uncle Remus took both of us to the spare room, left me with some extra clothes, specifically one of the few clothes that I had laying out in my room and a sleep elixir. I had already changed into a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top and was preparing to go ahead and go back to sleep, but before I could shut my eyes, a screech came the large window next to the left side of the bed. What the hell?

I got up from my bed and walked to the window to see an owl sitting there with a huge basket beside it. Opening the window the owl flew in and perched itself on the desk and waited for me to open the package. Why am I nervous? I grabbed the basket and set it on the bed, noticing the huge bouquet of orchids with a letter attached to it. These are absolutely gorgeous. Next I saw the chocolates and other sweets, okay the only people that know these are my favorites are my friends. I guess this is from Quinnie or Georgie, because they know I love sugared butterfly wings. 

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