Emerson & Draco

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~Fair warning, I will be using quotes from a book I have at home, the book I wanted to use wasn't actually made in this time period...but I still wanna use it, so imma use it. im actually going to use several books like this in this chapter probably.  sorryyyy~

That was a good nap, like a really good nap...Almost too good. Wait what time is it? Draco was quietly reading a book held above my head. Should I let him know I'm awake? Maybe?

"Draco...?" What was meant to be actually fairly loud came out as a quiet whisper. I honestly don't know how he even heard me speak.

"Yes?" His eyes never broke contact with the pages between his fingers. 

"What time is it?"

"Almost time for dinner." His concentration never broke away from what his eyes has set upon, a singular word. What that word is, I may never know, well I could just ask.  

Well shoot, should I go be a functioning part of society, or should I continue to lay on Draco while he reads a book? Ugh, going down and seeing everyone would help me not be so sad and scared of living...but then again being scared of living means living among people is hard. 

Draco sat the book down beside us and sat me up with him, my back against his chest as he sat against the arm of the chair. He made sure the blanket was still on top of me before picking up the book and bringing in front of me and reading to himself, but he had the book positioned to where I could read it as well if I wanted to. Damn he's smooth. Wait, this book...this is one of mine. I haven't seen this book since I was at his house during the summer. 

"/The Lantern In The Lifeboat\                                                                                                                                         I am nervous, I'm afraid. But I will stand here in the white hot heat of you. I will play Russian roulette with your playlists. I will tell jokes I'm not sure you'll find funny. I will hold on until there is no more reason to. And in the end, I will break the stars and resurrect the sun."

"/The Paint Hides The Brick\                                                                                                                                            You took all my words when all I wanted to do was say them."

"You left this at my house, I didn't even realize it belonged to you until I flipped through it and saw this page. I remember seeing the titles of the poems written down on a piece of paper in one of your notebooks. I always wondered what they meant to you, now I know. Is this how you feel?" 

I tried to form words and nothing came out. How did he even put it together? They could have just been titles I liked, he wouldn't have known what it meant unless someone told him...Right?

"Draco...I'm sorry, I knew never to get my hopes up. I'm a half-blood, you don't have to pretend to like me. I'm-I'm sorry, I'll just take my book and leave you alone." I pushed myself up and tried to move away from him, only for him to grab me and hold me down. 

"Dove, I happen to know my mother finds you to be a wonderful lady, she adores you. My father, can, well he doesn't have to hear about this." Draco gently let me go and turned my face to be looking at his before kissing me. 

"Okay, as much as I love this, and I don't want you to stop, I don't want you to make me get my hopes up, and then just abandon me for like Pansy or Daphne. So can you please just tell me what's gonna happen if I let this happen?"  Despite my totally serious tone, Draco laughed at me.

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