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Hufflepuff house had been kind to me when Fred and I were stuck in a glorified sock drawer, unfortunately though, Gryffindor had been less than nice when they found out. We were in there for nearly 3 periods, but at least the socks were clean... and I got a decent amount of sleep. Either way, we got out of there and went to our respective classes. After Divination with the Ravenclaws, my last class of the day, Fred showed up, put me on his shoulders, and started sprinting towards the other side of the castle. 

"Where are w-" We stopped in front of Emerson and Fred pulled her into a balcony.

"DRACO?! IT HAD TO BE DRACO?!" I kind of zoned out after that, feeling awkward, but eventually I saw Emerson running away and looked to Fred, only to notice that George was there too.

"I don't know what just happened-"

"You were literally standing in the middle of it?" 

"-but you messed up." I started to run after Emmy, and was getting close, when I ran into a group of Slytherins. Literally.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" I squeaked, looking up at who I nearly knocked over from my place on the floor. It was Pansy Parkinson and a few of her friends. I moved to stand up, but was pushed back down.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Uhh... Quinn?"

"Ugh, you're even more pathetic than those Gryffindors you hang out with."


"No wonder your Mum died, I wouldn't want to live with you either. I can't say the same for your brother though, he's perfect, you're nothing compared to the rest of us."

"At least she's a decent person! You're just a rude, pug-faced excuse for a witch!" Harry was standing behind me, along with Ron, both had their wands in hand.

"Harry, really, it's fine, she's right, let's just go to dinner." At this point I had no idea where Emerson had gone, and she probably didn't want to talk anyway. Maybe she was at dinner, who knows?

"You ass!" Pansy's face was scarlet but she choked out, "As if!" whilst we walked away. 

"You okay Quinnie?"

"I guess so." I couldn't help but wonder if she was right, I'm no where near as attractive as people say my brother is, and I get solid A minuses in most of my classes...

"Hey, don't listen to pug-face, you're amazing, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't deserve to be in the presence of my adorable little sister." Harry used my shoulder as an elbow rest, and we walked into the Great Hall.

"You know I'm older than you right?"

Sorry this chapter is super short, I had an essay due and I was surprise visited by my sister Grandma, so things have been a tad hectic, I promise a longer one next week you beautiful people! -Skye <3

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