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I woke up to a redheaded boy pushing a pillow in my face and yelling.

"Quinn you have to wake up! It's the first day of school! We have an amazing prank planned for breakfast!" Fred continued to shove the pillow in my face.

"It's not even tomorrow yet!"

"It's 7 in the morning?"

"My point exactly! It's sleep time and I plan to dream a good dream!"

"Quinn, you're gonna think it's worth it, trust me."

~Wibbily wobbly timey wimey skip~

"Is that polyjuice?" I asked Fred, who was carrying a large tub of potion as we walked towards the Great Hall

"Yes little lady, yes it is!"

"Who are we turning into?"

"We aren't turning into anyone, in fact, everyone else is turning into Snape!"

"Oh that's bloody brilliant! I assume we're going into the kitchens to put the potion into everyone's goblets?"

"On the dot, Quinnie!" George nearly stumbled down the stairs as he bumped into Angelina Johnson, his crush.

"And now, the cutest Hufflepuff in the Wizarding World, will work her magic!" Fred exclaimed, ruffling my hair and messing up my bangs, as we walked into the kitchens. There, we saw dozens of house elves at work, four tables set up just like the Great Hall, which was right above us. We quickly went to work, levitating trace amounts of the potion into the goblets. This is going to be amazing.

"We need music or something, I might fall asleep right here!" I muttered the summoning charm and my record player appeared in front of me. Here Comes The Sun echoed throughout the kitchens, sounding like a montage from a teen movie. 

"Finally we're done! And just in time for breakfast too!" We thanked the house elves and walked out of the kitchens, towards the Great Hall. As we walked up the stairs I heard quick footsteps and out of the corner of my eye I see Emerson jumping onto George's back. Fred motioned for me to hop on his as well while Em asked what mischief we had planned. We all walked into the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table, staying away from our goblets. I looked towards the Head Table to see Dumbledore smiling at the four of us.

"Oi, what's happening to me!" Seamus grew nearly two feet and sprouted black, greasy hair. A quick look around the Great Hall told me that everybody had begun to transform into Snape. The real one, however, stood and shouted, moving briskly towards us. I tossed the others black wigs and we all put them on, scurrying into the mass of Snapes.

"Silence!" Dumbledore's normally soft voice boomed throughout the Great Hall and everyone stopped moving. "I'm sure there's no real way of proving who has performed this rude prank, therefore Professor Snape, you may take your seat. Students, I am afraid this potion will not wear off for about an hour. Please remain calm and report to class as normal." The entire Hall sat down.

"Glad I wasn't a part of that!" I giggled as chatter slowly started up again. Snape looked furious, and I knew he'd be taking points from Gryffindor whether there was proof it was us or not. 

"Quinn, you couldn't have warned us?" Harry's voice came from a Snape as even more Snapes turned to look sadly at us. Yikes.

"You know, I don't have any regrets... but this is freaking me out a little."

"Me too Quinnie." Fred grabbed my arm as a mob of Snapes turned and chased the four of us out of the Great Hall. George and Emmy made a sharp turn down a corridor, half the Snapes followed them. Fred and I sped up and made a sharp turn.

"Quick! In here!" Fred pulled me into a broom closet and shut the door just as the mob turned into the corridor. I breathed a sigh of relief and soon realized that Fred's arms were still around me in a tight broom closet in the dark. He didn't let go, which I didn't mind.

See here's the thing about Fred and I. We've known each other since the dawn of time, and ever since the dawn of time, we've been partners in crime, plus George, of course. But Fred and I have always been super close, people have assumed that we were dating, and have assumed that we like each other. I have a total heart-stopping crush on him, but I'm very sure he thinks of me as his best friend. I can never ever tell him about this crush, I think he might like a Ravenclaw in his year anyway.

"Uh, Quinn? While we're in here, I wanted to tell you something, and I really hope it doesn't mess up our friendship."

"What's up Freddie? Nothing could ruin our friendship!" Except for, of course, me telling you that I have a huge crush on you but that's besides the point.

"I have a-" just as he was about to continue, we heard quick footsteps come down the hallway and stop right in front of the door. Fred clasped his hand over my mouth and we moved further into the closet, expertly dodging the junk in it. Up until the floor randomly stopped and we fell in a hole, that is. 

Fred fell on top of me, and our noses touched. A red-hot blush came across my cheeks as he scrambled off of me.

"What the-?" I waited till my eyes adjusted, just to see that we stood on a heaping pile of socks.

"So this is where missing socks go!" I went to grab my wand before realizing that it had fallen out of my pocket, probably while moving through the closet. I looked up to see my wand partially over the edge of the chasm, and also that we were about 5 meters below the floor. 

"Quinn, you wouldn't happen to have your wand with you, would you?"

"No, don't you?!"

"It fell somewhere in the closet. How are we going to get out of here?"

"Wait until someone finds us, I guess. Doesn't George have the map? He'll probably check it at some point, right?"

"You're probably right, Quinnie."

"It's been an hour! How has no one found us yet?!" Fred was starting to get a little on edge

"I'm sure they'll come looking soon." On the inside I was losing my mind, what if they never find us! 

"This glorified sock drawer is a square meter and who knows how deep, Quinn, I'm kind of starting to freak out." I moved the like two inches towards him to give him a hug, and he held on to me. I don't know how long we laid like that, but eventually, I fell asleep.

Hehehehhe do you ship Fred and Quinn? What should their ship name be? Also, inspiration for the socks came from me literally losing all the matches to my socks :) C ya next week, I love you and you're all beautiful!-Skye

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