Emerson & Draco

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The dream that Quinn showed us had been present on my mind for several days after she showed it to us...It was, well...horrific. My manor, the dungeon where mother kept her wine, the drawing room, Aunt Bellatrix who used my wand to torture Quinn. The screams and visuals of everyone in that cellar made my stomach churn and twist into knots. There were so many questions I had to ask, many of them being too hard to even think about. Like, "Have you seen Emerson in these?", "Was she hurt?", "Did I hurt anyone else?", but I couldn't bring myself to look Quinn in the eyes and ask them. I couldn't sit there and make her relive it all again, no one deserves that pain. 

Emerson tried to keep me occupied with other things to do, I had to give it to her, she was trying her best. Reading late at night in the common room, her trying (and failing) to take flying lessons from me, sneaking off to Hogsmeade, anything to try and cheer me up. It did work, but only for the moment. I could tell she was trying her best to hold it together and stay sane, but she was slipping. Which was not good... 

Quinn had disappeared from all known humanity. Emerson tried to call her using the mirror she had received as a present, asking any of the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors alike, but no one had the answer to her question. It made me wonder how close they really were. I always heard that they were essentially raised together, but neither of the two ever delved into the conversation with anyone around. 

It had been three days since Quinn vanished, and I could tell it was really getting to Em. She couldn't sit still, her knee was bouncing constantly, and she had made a habit of picking at her nails. That was something she only did when something was really bothering her. I do notice some things, despite what Potter may think. 

"Em, quit picking at your nails. You'll thank me later." Emerson huffed angrily and glared at me. 

"What if she's in trouble? Nobody has heard from her in days! I'm worried." I glanced up from my book and stared at her. She was sitting across the room and pouting like a small child would if they didn't get their way. 

"Em, she's not in trouble. She's a very smart person, if she was in danger, she would have alerted someone who could have helped her. She may just be taking a few days to herself to recover. You saw that dream, it was draining to see, let alone experience it."  

"But Draco, she has never, and I mean never, ignored me. Sure we have arguments, we're sisters, family. But she has never deliberately ignored me." 

"Em, it will be fine. She isn't ignoring you, she's probably just taking a rest." She, of course, sighed and moved over to the couch I was sitting on. You could clearly see the dark circles underneath her eyes and her eyes weren't as bright. 

"I'm worried...She's always told me everything, and now that she's disappeared, I don't know if she's okay or not. I just really want her to be safe."

"There is no need to apologize to me. But you need rest, go on to bed. If someone comes looking for you, I'll tell them you weren't feeling well." She nodded and I kissed her cheek goodnight. It was only around 6 o'clock, but she hadn't slept right in the past three days.


I could understand why Draco was concerned about me, he knew me well enough to know I wouldn't rest until I heard from Quinn. He really didn't have to treat me like a child and send me to bed though, it was unnecessary. Uncle Remus already knew I would be distracted and distant until I saw Quinn, or heard from her. So there wasn't really a need to cover for me, I did appreciate it though. 

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