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I was sitting at the bar. Drinking what might be twentieth drink. I drink a lot so it takes a lot to get me drunk. I was just a bit tipsy. That's it but, I've been in this state for the past two hours and I've been drinking non-stop.

I've been getting many lustful looks but, I want to drink a bit. Then dance. Then maybe try and find a guy.

"Another?" The bar tender asked me. I nodded and he slid over another club soda, taking the empty club soda glass.

A figure sat next to me but, I didn't pay any attention. I was to focused on my drink and only drink. I downed it quickly before ordering another and I downed that too.

I heard a deep chuckled next to me. "Easy there." The deep voice said. I looked over and he was fucking hot. Like one I would love to be with forever. His brown hair and piercing baby blue eyes. "I want to get drunk and I can't." I chuckled.

"Yeah. Same here." He said. "There's a stronger drink if you both want to try it." The bar tender offered. "I'll take two for myself and get one for this fine gentleman." I said. He nodded.

Soon I downed both of the very strong drinks. The liquor burned my throat like the first time I drank liquor.

"Wew." I said before motioning for some more of that drink and before I knew it. I was drunk out of my mind. On the dance floor, grinding against the blue eyed boy was with me at the bar.

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