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"The entire Manic Line sold out." Kat said. "Wow." I said shocked. "Yeah. Half of the crowd didn't even get any." Kat said. "I'll order some more." I said as I logged into my computer and order more of everything.

Thea walked in and she looked exhausted. "Okay. So this was just dropped off. I'm going to go restock the stuff and then I'll count what's in the register." She said as Gabe walked in and wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you Thea but, go home.  Tomorrow's probably going to be another busy day. I just ordered more items from the Manic Line and put it on rush. They had some more at the warehouse so it should be here tomorrow morning. Me and Kat will get it done." I said.

"No. Let me help. There's a lot that needs to be done." She said while rubbing her eyes. Her hair was a mess and she looked physically and mentally drained. "Come on babe. Let's go home." Gabe said gently.

"No. I need to help here." She said, being persistent. "Thea. Go home. Get some rest. Or I'll make you take tomorrow off." I said. She went wide eyed.

"Alright. I'm going. Have a good night Gabs." She said while giving me and Kat a quick hug. Gabe Gabe me and hug before he went to Thea and picked her up.

I then got up and went to the backroom. Pulling out some boxes when I heard the doors open in the front. "THE BOYS ARE HERE!" Kat yelled. I didn't respond. I just dragged the boxes up front and grabbed a box cutter and opened the boxes.

I started to stock the seductress line. "Where's Lana?" Brennen whined. "She's at my secret empire part. She will be here at any moment. She never messes her schedule up." I said while glancing at my watch.

It was already two minutes past her time. Not even a minute later. A breathless, panicked and bloody Lana ran in. I was quick to go to her. She had cuts on her arms.

"What happened?" I asked worried while dragging her towards Thea's desk.

"It was a small gang. They are looking for Thea and Gabe. I think it is the human traffickers." She said scared. I went rigid.

I opened Thea's desk and pulled out a gun. "Do you just keep those laying around?" Kat mumbled. "This is Thea's gun. Not mine." I muttered when the doors flung open. I aimed the gun and it was Thea and my brother.

"Um. Not what I was wanting to walk in on. But, Thea left her gun." Gabe said reaching for it. "Call your mafia groupies because the human traffickers want you and Thea. They hurt Lana." I snapped.

He quickly pulled his phone out when Thea ran to my office. She came back and we switched guns.

We had them aimed at the door. Ready for anything.

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