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So, you're probably wonder why on EARTH that I'm posting an update on a finished book, right? So, let me begin.

After finishing The Unexpected Angel, I felt like Sianter kind of died completely, ya know? Like, I did still have the Prequel (We Were Us) to write, but come on, they weren't in love. It didn't really feel like 'Sianter'. Just Siana and Hunter XD

So, after consulting with one of my very first readers (@Nethii120700) I decided that I'm going to post a third book!


So, it would start out before the epilogue chapter, of course, and basically tell the story of what happened in between and stuff, because honestly, even I dont know what really happened in between XD XD so I guess we'll figure it out together? XD

So, what do y'all say? Will you read it? :D :D

It'll be called Truly, Madly, Deeply. I will be posting the first chapter after I post this, so just click on my profile picture to the right, and you shall see it :D

Anyway, have an amazing day!! I love every single one of you, and hope that you will continue to the third book!! God bless!



The Unexpected Angel (Sequel to Be My Mistake)Where stories live. Discover now