Chapter 1: Dawn of a New Age

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*Alright. Here's the drill current and soon to be (hopefully) fans of Kenchi618. I'll be trying to write this story as another leisurely project along with my other stories, but unless I can actually find a website where I can actually do some damn research on One Piece's manga this probably won't go any further than maybe Enies Lobby where I initially lost track, as we speak I am tracking down a replacement site for the one I lost when I was forced to stop reading One Piece. I'll probably have something else in ten minutes at the longest. Anyway, I'm going to give it a shot, tell me what you think. Let's give it a go.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. Right now I don't even own myself. My ass belongs to Radford University until 2013... and then for several years after. College loans be a mutha-mutha.

Shinobi of the High Seas

Chapter 1: Dawn of a New Age

"*sigh* Boooreddddddddaaaaa!"

Uzumaki Naruto sat by himself on the coast of the Elemental Nations just staring out over the ocean. It had been around one hundred years since the close of the Fourth Great Shinobi War and Uzumaki Naruto was... "Booored! Damn it, nothing has happened around here in like fifty years."

Appearing 18 years old, Naruto was dressed in his red sage jacket. Instead of his orange jumpsuit beneath he had changed his clothing so as to allow himself to vanish into the background more easily. He now wore a dark red short sleeved shirt tight on his body with white pants with white shinobi sandals. Unable to totally part with the color that had defined him for years, Naruto had an orange sash around his waist. Naruto no longer wore the headband signifying his allegiance to Konohagakure, his home village, for his own reasons. Instead of having the leaf symbol on his forehead protector he had one custom made to show the kanji of Mt Myoboku, the home of the toads and where he became a sage.

Due to the combination of the naturally enhanced life-force of the Uzumaki clan and the fact that Naruto had been sealed with perhaps the strongest entity in the known ninja world, the Kyuubi no Yoko, his already potent life-force extended his own lifespan due to the boost from the fox. Now after countless years of being the protector of the Elemental Nations he found himself utterly dissatisfied with his current trend of action, or namely the lack thereof.

He didn't even have anyone to spend time with. All of his friends and allies from his heyday were dead and gone. There were no challenges anymore, Madara was gone, Akatsuki had crumbled, the Moon's Eye Plan had been utterly stopped. Even the system of shinobi that had ruled the lands for years before Naruto's birth was beginning to fall out of practice. There was just nothing to do anymore. He never became Hokage, he simply settled in as a traveling protector of the lands. It wouldn't have worked out anyway, I mean he was basically damn immortal with his lifespan, and as an immortal being Hokage that situation would have been troublesome, so he vanished from the limelight. Having someone of such notoriety and strength aligned to one village for however long Naruto's life would last for would have made things tense, especially seeing as how his name was legend among every hidden village.

"Who knew being damn near immortal was so boring? I guess I can see why Madara-teme took to trying to manipulate his way into ruling the world, there isn't anything else to do and that's an option that's always on the table." Naruto yawned as the waves crashed into the shoreline.

He didn't have any responsibilities, no challenges, nothing really. He could go where he wanted, do what he liked, and the thing about it was that if anyone in the Elemental Nations did know about him there wasn't anyone powerful enough to do anything to him. At this point it was like he was just existing without any real purpose.

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