Chapter 5: The AntiPirate

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. Any thoughts to the contrary are flattering and a pipe-dream at best and might get me thrown in jail... but it will be white-collar jail so it might be okay... I beat up men for a living dude, prison is scary but I might be alright... maybe.

Chapter 5: The Anti-Pirate

Johnny and Yosaku were standing on deck with constipated looks on their faces and their hands in a ram seal. Naruto sat off to the side holding Samehada... it was feeding time apparently. Despite knowing how bad of an idea it would be for this information to get out, Naruto figured he could try to teach some jutsu to his crew since he was going to be taking them into the middle of the Grand Line for kicks, the problem was...

"Anything?" Naruto asked lazily while Samehada purred in his grasp from the delicious flow of chakra, "Come on, it's been three hours, you're telling me that you can't even feel it?"

Johnny and Yosaku fell to the ground in exhaustion, heaving and panting, "No Naruto-aniki, nothing. Are you sure we even have that chakra stuff in the first place?"

Naruto frowned and walked over to them with Samehada in grasp before setting it on them both. Samehada rumbled in Naruto's hand, getting a nod from the whiskered blonde, "Yes you both have chakra, but you guys never use it. That and you also didn't even know anything about it until today. I had to train for years before I could access it, there was a school for it when I was a kid and they didn't even teach you any jutsu until you were like ten or eleven years old."

Johnny and Yosaku went wide-eyed over the thought of a bunch of kids blowing things up and making tidal waves like Naruto for a school grade. Naruto ignored them and carried on, "Yeah... I guess that's why more people didn't know how to do anything with chakra, because it takes a while for your body to actually get used to the concept of such a power and that's not even talking about the training that you have to do to access it."

Nojiko came from below deck, "Hey guys. What are you all doing up here?"

Sealing up Samehada, Naruto smiled at the girl, "Ah, Nojiko-chan. Come here, I want you to try something out for me." Nojiko shrugged and walked over while Naruto turned to Johnny and Yosaku, "Girls naturally have better chakra control because they have less chakra, so let's see if our girl here can use hers." He turned towards Nojiko and placed her hands in the ram seal, "Okay, now I want you to focus. Focus on the bridge right between your physical and mental energies."

Nojiko blinked blankly, "Um, how do I do that Naruto-kun?"

Naruto stepped back, "A very good question. Well the way it worked for me when I was little was just tensing up my body and then having my mind set on reaching in and pulling that energy out." Nojiko stood still for a moment before nodding and trying to pull her chakra out.

After a minute or two she dropped the seal and looked at Naruto apologetically, "Sorry Naruto-kun, I can't do it either."

Naruto waved it off, "It's okay, I wasn't expecting any of you to actually be able to do it, yet anyway... I'll just have you work with the exercises that I did as a kid before the instructors tried getting us to use our chakra... I guess that stuff had uses after all." Naruto scratched his head, "Though that does narrow down what I can teach you by a lot." Naruto pointed at the two bounty hunters, "Not so much you two, because all you want to be able to do is actually not suck with a sword. That will be easy enough, all things considered." He then turned to look at Nojiko, "No, it's you that I'll be having the real trouble with."

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