Chapter 19: Past Transgressions

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece... I'm hungry. Luckily, in this economic recession of ours, 20 bucks can buy you a lot of instant ramen cups... time to chow down people, ghetto superstar style.

Chapter 19: Past Transgressions



"Do it again..." Naruto said as he sat on the railing overlooking the deck in a meditative pose. Vivi pulled herself off of the ground and dusted herself off, glaring at Naruto, "You can give me that look all you want to. Scarier people than you have tried to stare me down princess. Now get back to the start and do it again."

Vivi huffed but did as she was told. The other day she tried fighting Naruto again out of anger at not progressing very much in her training and wound up getting a low-key beatdown from Naruto who didn't even open his eyes to do it. From that point she realized that the only reason Nojiko ever hit him with her pistol was because Naruto let her. If he was really trying, she would never have hit him.

Vivi took a deep breath as she tried to get herself ready for another go-through of Naruto's wire obstacle course before turning back to him, "Can you even do this?"

"Yes." Naruto said without opening his eyes or even moving, "even if I was controlling this with my eyes open I could send a Kage Bunshin and he would still get through this course. You think it's hard now? I haven't blindfolded you yet Vivi. You can't complain yet, it's only been a few days."

Vivi frowned and took her eyes away from him to focus on the course layout. She could barely see the sunlight shining off of the metal wiring and started stepping through carefully. She quickly learned a loophole to Naruto's training that she believed he left on purpose; he never said how fast she had to go, just that he wanted her to get through it. Therefore she was just taking small thought out steps, trying to outwit Naruto. It didn't matter how patient she tried to be though, Naruto was always attentive without even opening his eyes and was always ready to ensnare her.

Accidentally stepping on a wire, Vivi felt it try to tighten underneath her feet. Vivi, deciding to go for broke, jumped forward only to see the sun glare off of a set wires in midair meant to trap her. She managed to contort her body through and land in a front handspring and get herself back upright before a wire could catch the hand she had planted onto the ground. Standing straight up she came face to face with a web of wires that stopped her in her tracks as well as a wall of them behind her.

"Well it looks like someone had a breakthrough." Naruto said with a smile on his face as he opened his eyes to look at Vivi. He let the wires drop so that she could relax and he could reset them, "You do your best work evading when you don't think about doing it Vivi. You have reflexes like a cat, and even though you have no idea where a threat is coming from you still know something is going to happen and your muscles are already prepared to respond well in advance." Naruto then blinked, "Speaking of threats..." He then tossed out a shuriken at the crow's nest where Nojiko was.

The weapon angled around from her side to her back stealthily. In response to that, Nojiko whipped around suddenly, pulled out one of her pistols and let off a shot that hit the shuriken and knocked it from the sky, "Naruto-kun that one wasn't fake!" She yelled at him angrily, "Why are you throwing real weapons at me?"

"To keep you sharp Noji-chan!" Naruto yelled back. Nojiko shot at him and hit him before he burst into smoke and a log dropped to the ground in his place. Nojiko pointed her pistol back over her shoulder in time for Naruto to appear behind her in a shunshin, placing the barrel right under his chin, "I'm really getting sick of you doing that. I even waited. There was no way you sensed my presence." Nojiko smiled cheekily getting Naruto to grin at her before he burst into smoke again.

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