Chapter 14: Public Enemy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. I wonder if making my own series about swashbuckling ninjas that search the seas of the world for a man called "Hokage" in order to defeat him and become king of the ninjas would get my ass sued on both sides of the coin. And yes I just wrote that as an excuse to use the word "swashbuckling".

You don't know me, you don't know what I've done. I'm a technical technician, a high-flyer of the highest caliber, and a real jam-up guy. Who are you to doubt El Dandy? –Err... I mean Kenchi618?

...Do something about it.

Chapter 14: Public Enemy

Naruto and all of his other crewmates sat in the room that they all shared at the palace, which was more like a small home in most cases. Everyone except Naruto and Soren were silently freaking out. The news about the incoming meeting with an Admiral and King Cobra actually spread fairly quickly around the city after Soren, a lot of people were excited about the World Government talks coming to Alubarna, hoping that efforts to help Alabasta pick up the country after the civil war would be coming forth.

The Foxhound Pirates weren't so happy about it. Johnny kept flicking his sword loose from his sheath with his thumb, "What if they don't even know we're here? Can't we just slip out and vanish before the Admiral gets here"

Soren shook his head, "The coast is locked down tight. No matter which way we go on the river once we reach the sea they'll have us beaded and come right for us. One ship against 40, what part of that sounds good to you in any way, shape, or form?"

Yosaku pointed at Naruto, "We have a guy that can make tidal waves, whirlpools and walk on water. Are you really telling me that we can't get out of here?"

Naruto frowned, "It's one of me against 40 ships armed to the teeth and with itchy trigger finger. Now I like me a whole lot, but even I wouldn't bet on myself to get out of here that way."

Miss Valentine snapped her fingers as an idea hit her, "We could ask the king for temporary commission as Alabasta's privateers until we get out of here."

Soren shook his head, "Won't work. Privateers are still pirates and the only pirates allowed by law are the Shichibukai by the World Government. Me and Uzumaki have laundry lists from here to the floor, they would come after us so fast you guys would wonder what the hell happened."

Nojiko moaned and fell backwards onto a bed, "So we can't ask for amnesty or something? We did just help save the country." A paper was dropped on her from above. Picking it up it revealed Luffy's wanted poster with an updated bounty, "100 million? For what? Isn't it a good thing he exposed corruption like what Crocodile was doing?"

"I've been trying to tell you guys from the start, the World Government at its heart is corrupt." Soren growled in annoyance, "They want to be seen as infallible. The knowledge that Crocodile operated under their noses to overthrow an entire country makes them all look incompetent or something, so they raised Luffy's bounty to help it stay covered up as much as it is."

"Did you hear?" Johnny said matter-of-factly, "They tried to pass of that Smoker guy as the one that took down Crocodile."

"Of course they did." Soren said, shrugging, "They need to save some kind of face on this don't they? And we can't hide either, our ship is still in the river near Erumalu but they won't risk coming up the channel after us because they would just be lining themselves up single-file, and any idiot could fight their way out of that kind of situation."

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