Chapter 4: Nobody's Side But My Own

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. If I did my home would be a combination houseboat tricked out like a pirate ship/dojo on the inside, and I would sail up and down the east coast in a chunin flak jacket and a headband with a dollar sign on it so can't act like I ain't got money. Get up on it!

Chapter 4: Nobody's Side But My Own

Arlong looked long and hard at the expression on Naruto's face, "Who do you think you are Uzumaki? You're out of your element here boy."

Naruto shook his head slowly, "No, I'm actually right in my element. I was born for this kind of thing." He looked around at the mermen standing between him and Arlong, "You might want to tell your gofers to get out of my way before they lose a limb. I have no problems killing every last one of them to get to you."

Arlong laughed loudly, "You have quite a bit of courage for a puny human. Boys show him what courage gets you around here. Give him the treatment we gave the last two losers that came in here." The mermen all began to slowly move in on Naruto threateningly, pulling out flintlock pistols and blades.


Johnny and Yosaku watched as Naruto simply stood in place while the mermen drew ever closer to him. Yosaku turned to his sunglasses clad friend, "What do we do Johnny? Naruto-aniki is in real trouble."

The villagers all stood behind them and the Kage Bunshin Naruto posted to keep them out, crying out to let them in to help him fight, but they simply stood in place. Nojiko ran up to the front and looked one of the clones in the eye, "Let us in! He's all alone in there, he needs help."

The clone smiled at her and placed its hand on her cheek, stroking it in a calming fashion, "Calm down Nojiko-chan. Boss wouldn't have done this if he didn't know what he was doing. He just doesn't want any of you to get hurt that's all."

Nojiko snapped out of the trance that the clone's hand had put her in, "And he's going to let himself get killed all alone because he doesn't want us to fight and get hurt?"

The clones all started to laugh a bit, "No, he's not worried about the mermen hurting you all. He's worried about him hurting you himself. He doesn't want any of you to get in the way while he cleans house of all the small fry." The clones looked up and smiled, "Hey you guys are late, the boss is about to start."

Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, and Sanji looked inside past the clones to see Naruto facing down a couple dozen fishmen. Usopp freaked out at that sight, "What is he doing? Is he insane?"

"A little bit." Was the admittance of Naruto's clone, "Yeah boss is crazy, but we're the best kind of crazy."

Sanji pulled the cigarette from his mouth, "What kind is that?"

The clones all grinned ferally, "The unpredictable kind. By the way, you might want to get out of the way of the gate."


Naruto started flying through hand-seals at a rapid pace, confusing the mermen who had never seen such a thing before. Naruto eventually stopped and held one of the seals, "I hate suiton ninjutsu, so many damn hand-seals. Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique)!"

Upon hearing the name of the technique, Arlong started to laugh uncontrollably, "You think you can make a waterfall? What an idiot."

Naruto simply kept a straight face until he heard a noise sounding like swelling water growing louder and louder. A smirk appeared on his face as suddenly a massive wave came spilling over the main gate of Arlong Park that the ships were to come through. The mermen watched in horror as they were hit with the full force of Naruto's tidal wave caused by his jutsu. The torrent of water crashed around within the gates of the fortress until finally spilling out into the bay, delivering many mermen into the drink.

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