Chapter 11: Hot, Hot Heat

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. While the mangas I read are okay, I like my readable media slow and depressing... which is also how I like my women. That didn't make any sense... or did it? And you're damn right I sip cappuccino and wear a beret inside of Starbucks when I write these shits. Do somethin'!

I don't really feel too right in the head at this point in time as you can probably tell.

Enjoy the chapter.

...Or don't. I don't control you.

...Or do I?



No I don't, otherwise you would have wired me money by now.

Chapter 11: Hot, Hot Heat

Naruto wasn't a very hateful person. It was very, very difficult to irk Naruto's nerves enough to actually make him openly despise you just for existing. Things that had earned this discrepancy: Orochimaru, Kabuto Yakushi, Madara Uchiha, bigotry, cold ramen, and fresh vegetables. Now there was a new add-on to that list.

"I fucking hate the goddamn desert!" Naruto yelled as he and Soren finally found where the Straw Hat crew had left the ship and moved inland from. The two decided to take a short breather on board before trying to figure out which way they had headed. The Going Merry had been stopped by a town covered in sand, like it caught the brunt of the abuse from a sandstorm.

Soren yelled right back as he walked out of their kitchen, "Oh shut the hell up Uzumaki! At least you don't dry out like a raisin in the sun like I do. I need more fluid out here than everyone else on our crew combined!" He then pointed a thumb back into the kitchen, "And what the hell happened to all of their food? Didn't they just restock back in Nanohana? It hasn't even been two days yet. As a matter of fact what happened to our food, because we're out on our ship too?"

"Forget the food, look at my face Soren!" Naruto shouted while painfully poking his red face, "I've got fucking sunburn!" Even though it would heal up in record time, sunburn was still sunburn and it still sucked for everyone alike.

Soren flicked Naruto on the forehead, eliciting a yelp of pain, "Look at me you idiot, I'm bald." Now that Naruto noticed, Soren's entire exposed skin set was even more lobster red than his was.

Naruto gave Soren an apologetic look, "Oh, sorry Soren. You're right. Come on, they've got that doctor reindeer Chopper of theirs on board. I'm sure they've got something for this." Naruto accentuated with an intentionally hard set of pats on the back as he made his way back inside.

Soren yelled out in pain and followed Naruto back inside, taking care to keep his back arched, "Fuck you! Gah, I'm going to be shedding for weeks!"

"Awesome!" Naruto shouted as he picked up something on a chair inside of the ship, "Noji-chan left my sage coat here, and that means no more sunburn for me." Naruto said with a grin while throwing the red jacket on his frame.

Soren grumbled and went all over going through the possessions of the Straw Hat crew members trying to find some of Chopper's medical supplies, and maybe something to cover his body with while they crossed the rest of the desert. Chuckling at Soren's grumbles, Naruto noticed a note fall to the floor that he picked up to read.

To Naruto-kun and Soren.

We are headed northwest to Yuba with the rest of the Straw Hats. We thought about leaving one of us with the ship for when you caught up, but I know that you'll be able to meet us soon. I hope you'll be careful, and that you two don't kill each other out there because if you do we'll never find your bodies.

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