Chapter 10: Greetings From Alabasta

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. This is completely off topic, but I'm looking for a catchphrase... and when I come up with it, it will be spectacular. Rest assured, it will be spectacular, and no it isn't going to be fucking dattebayo! Fuck everyone that had that thought run through their heads just now, and don't bullshit me either. I know you did, I could sense it!

Chapter 10: Greetings From Alabasta

Naruto stared at the person hanging off of Carue, who just so happened to be the bait that the others were fishing with, "How do you catch an okama? Actually nevermind, I guess it's just one of those mysteries that I'm better off not knowing."

The okama in question was hanging on tightly to Carue, "How did I get stuck on this weird giant duck?" Was the cry of alarm from the mystery person before he fell back into the water, seemingly unable to swim. After a short panic to get the person out of the water they all sat on the deck of the ship as the cross-dressing man bowed to them.

"Thank you all you wonderful people. I was saved by a group of pirates that I don't even know. I am in your debt... might I trouble you for a warm cup of soup?"

"NOO!" Was the unanimous cry of everyone else, "We're hungry too!" Naruto, Soren, and Nojiko didn't add in on that last part because they weren't hungry, but they shut up whenever the topic of food came up for good reason. After knowing how much Luffy could eat single handedly it was for the best that he didn't know that they had a basically fully stocked pantry on their ship, so it was best to act as if they were depleted of provisions as well.

The man was relatively tall with short black hair and makeup on and wore blue, flamboyant ballerina clothes underneath a pink overcoat with a strange two-headed swan figure on his back. He turned his attention to Vivi who was standing on a balcony above everyone else, "Ooh, well aren't you cute? I'd like to gobble you right up."

Vivi cringed, 'Ugh, what a weirdo...'

Luffy chuckled, "So you can't swim either, just like me."

Yes." The man responded, "I ate a Devil Fruit."

Usopp looked at the man in interest, "Really? What kind did you eat?"

The man looked around, 'Well I have to wait for my ship to come back anyway so I might as well put on a show.' He stood up and spoke in an empowered voice, "Right! This is my power!" He ran out and palmed Luffy's face, sending him flying backwards. Luffy's crew cried out in surprise and Zoro made to grab his swords until the mystery man spoke up to get them to stop, "Wait, wait, wait! I told you this was my power!"

Zoro stopped moving to attack out of sheer surprise, "What? Your face? What are you?"

"This is my show!" The man now had Luffy's face instead of his own. "Are you surprised?"

"They look identical!" Nami and Usopp called out.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "I can do that too."

Soren rolled his eyes, "Of course you can. What can't you do damn it?"

Naruto grinned, "I don't know yet. I've yet to find out. You'll know when I do."

"If you touch my left hand I go back to normal." The man said, turning his face back to normal after doing so, "That's the power of my Mane Mane no Mi." He walked down a line and touched everyone's face, "I don't have to punch you to do it" That little aspect somewhat pissed Luffy off, "But if I just touch your face with my right hand I can imitate anyone just like this" He turned into Zoro, Usopp, Chopper, and Nami

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