Chapter 15: All Eyes On Me

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. Petition the owners of both stories to hand the rights over to yours truly and I will make you all rich. Well, slightly richer, I'll give you all twenty bucks once my benjamins start rolling in.

P.S. 1000 reviews in 3 months! God that's so awesome. That's right up there with the response for The Sealed Kunai, putting this as my 2nd most read story. Sweet.

Chapter 15: All Eyes on Me

Naruto yawned and made his way out on deck as the sun just began peeking over the horizon. He was always the first on the crew to rise, right before Miss Valentine who was right under Naruto when it came to morning energy. He always picked this time of day to get up and send a few of his clones out as far out on the ocean as they could go so he could train in peace before anyone could wake up. They could only practice for so long before they dispelled but he didn't care, he had more or less peaked long ago in his strength, at this point it was more or a concept of maintenance at this point. He also came to check on the guard clones he had posted.

No one on the ship manned the crow's nest during the night because Naruto could simply make clones and keep them in place on night watch while everyone else slept. He trained everyone so hard that making them take watch as well would have been cruel and unproductive to boot. As he made his way to the helm to go ahead and get the day started he saw Vivi off at the opposite side of the ship, leaning on the railing staring out at the sunrise.

Naruto started to walk over to the princess, 'She didn't even go to bed last night...'

"It is pretty beautiful isn't it?" Naruto said as he made his way over to her. The way she jumped in surprise she must have been thinking very hard since he had done absolutely nothing to mask his presence to her, "You might want to not stare at it so intensely though, it might mess up your eyes."

Vivi turned and set her back against the railing, "Oh, good morning Naruto." She greeted him with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "I didn't know anyone else would be up at this hour, but with your clones going all about the ship I shouldn't be surprised."

"Yeah." Naruto returned with a toothy grin, not letting on that he could tell she wasn't feeling too upbeat today, "They're such good little deckhands aren't they?"

"Fuck you boss!"

One of the clones shouted in response to its creator, ending in Naruto dispelling it with a roll of his eyes getting a small giggle from Vivi. Alright, at least he was able to make her smile a little bit. He looked at all of his clones, "I don't need the rest of you anyway, the sun's up now." With that, Naruto dispelled the clones he had populating the ship, getting an interesting memory that forced him to abruptly leave Vivi and run up the mast to the very top where he looked at a black flag that he knew for a fact he hadn't put up there and hadn't existed before he had gotten off in Alabasta.

On the flag there was a skeleton with Naruto's blonde haircut right down to the hitae-ate on its forehead. It also instead of having a usual Jolly Roger appearance it had a grin much like one that Naruto regularly wore and it's eyeholes squinted much like Naruto's own eyes usually took. Behind the skeleton were two crossing kunai instead of crossing bones. On the mast in the crow's nest he found a message carved

Don't be a stranger Mr. Uzumaki. I'll see you again soon enough, I'm certain of it. Stay alive until then alright? You are a very strange person, and I'm holding you and Straw Hat Luffy responsible for my ongoing existence so do not forget that at some point you must take responsibility for your actions.

Nico Robin

Naruto shook his head confusedly, "Take responsibility? I wasn't aware that keeping people alive made me responsible for them. Oh well, at least she's super good looking." With that, Naruto jumped down and landed next to Vivi as he pointed up, "Apparently we have a Jolly Roger now."

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