Chapter 13: Making Your Mark

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. I hate writing these things but I believe that every time I write a disclaimer a tree sprouts somewhere in the world. So not only am I keeping my ass from getting sued I'm saving the environment one sapling at a time.

What the fuck have you done lately?

Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 13: Making Your Mark

Luffy drilled Crocodile with a wicked right hand that sent him sprawling head over heels, but Luffy wasn't done with his offensive assault yet. Luffy got his legs pumping and stretched out his arms to grasp Crocodile by the shoulders before stopping his legs and launching forward from the momentum, rolling through the air. Crocodile was curious as to why Luffy could touch him and felt the moisture on his arms, but had no time to think further on it when the rubber boy headbutted him right in the face, "Gomu Gomu no Marunokogiri (Gum Gum Buzzsaw)!"

Crocodile was sent flying flat on his back again while Luffy backflipped out of it and landed on his feet with a grin, "He he he."

Cobra looked on in awe at the sight of Crocodile lain out by this strange person that just appeared out of nowhere.

"Damn Luffy!" Cobra's attention was turned to his left where he saw a blonde man leaning on a wall watching the fight with interest, "That looked personal to me. What'd he do to you... Other than shove a hook through your chest and leave you for dead of course."

"Heh." Nico Robin chuckled in amusement, "Mr. Uzumaki. How did you get here so quickly?"

Naruto grinned at her, "Oh, I've been here hiding the whole time. I got here the same time you did, I rode that banana-nosed crocodile that you rode to get here. The bottom side. It was miserable, I got sand all in my hair."

Robin's eyes widened before returning to normal, "I'm just going to nod politely as if what you just said wasn't completely odd and asinine sounding." She turned her attention back to the fight between Luffy and Crocodile.

"Get up." Luffy said, knowing that the little amount of offense he managed to string together wouldn't be enough to keep Crocodile down, "The first time when I lost, the water from Yuba made me realize that if you touch water you can't turn into sand."

Naruto's eyes widened, "Yeah it's good for Crocodile that he's fighting Luffy, because if we had fought I would have worn his ass out now that that particular nugget of information is out."

Luffy continued talking, "So that's why you hate the rain. Because you're scared of it!" The barrel on Luffy's back was constantly covering him in water, "As long as I'm using this I can beat you. This party is just starting!"

"Hell yeah!" Naruto yelled, getting caught up in the feeling, "Kick his ass Luffy!" He noticed Cobra and Robin looking at him strangely, "What? I never get to see good fights anymore. I'm excited."


Usopp looked at Vivi strangely as the battle raged between the troops and the rebels, "You want me to find the shooter? How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

Vivi clasped her hands together in front of herself, "There's no time to think about it, we only have ten minutes."

Usopp frowned, "Since the diameter of the blast is about 5 kilometers the enemy should be about 2.5 kilometers away."

"No!" Vivi said suddenly, "The shooters might be very near here."

"What?" Usopp exclaimed, "How? If the shooter is here, when the explosion goes off then they'll be-."

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