Chapter 2: It's Not Lying, It's Distorting Reality

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ed somewhere, "What?" He looked around at the island they had stopped at and yawned, "Where are we? Somewhere that actually has a town this time?"

Nami nodded, "Yep, we followed the map and it says that there's a village on this island, so let's get going."

Naruto nodded and smacked the sleeping Zoro to wake him up, "Wake up sword-boy. We're going into town."

Zoro yawned and jumped off of the boat, "It's been a while since I've stood on solid land."

Naruto fought the urge to roll his eyes, "It wouldn't have been so long, but your ass is always asleep."

Zoro waved him off, "By the way, I've just noticed." He pointed up at a ridge. "What are those guys doing there?" There were three little kids and a teenager staring at them. The three kids had hair that looked respectively like an onion, a carrot, and a pepper. The teen had a long nose, black curly hair that was covered by a yellow plaid bandanna with goggles over them. He also had on brown overalls and a white sash.

Upon being discovered the little kids ran away, leaving the teen by himself. He shouted at them telling them to come back, but they were long gone. Turning back to the recently landed group he took up an easy stance, "I am the great pirate fleet leader, Usopp, who is in charge of security in this village! I'm also known as 'Captain' Usopp!" He took on a confident look, "It's best if you don't try to attack this village, because my 80 million men will destroy you."

Naruto's mouth quirked in amusement, "If you have 80 million people on this little island then you should be trying to get your own ass out of here instead of trying to keep us out. I call bullshit."

Usopp panicked, "Waah! I've been found out!"

Nami sweatdropped, "It didn't help that you just told us..."

Usopp despaired even more, "Argh! I can't believe I said that!"

Luffy seemed pretty entertained by this guy, "You're pretty funny, you know that?"

Usopp straightened up at that, "Hey, don't underestimate me! I am a man with high self esteem! Everyone calls me the honorable Usopp!"

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Uh huh... Sure they do." He moved past Luffy's crew and Usopp, "Where did those kids go? Did they run back to their town? I'm hungry... does this place have ramen by any chance?"


"Noooooo!" Naruto had tears in his eyes as he read the menu at a small tavern in Syrup Village, "No ramen! How can there be no ramen anywhere? This isn't funny anymore, I need my fix!" He was for the most part ignored as Usopp told them about where they could get a ship. Naruto perked up, "Oh so that's what you guys ended up talking about back on the boat."

Luffy grinned at him, "Yep! Every pirate crew needs an awesome pirate ship! And with us on it, it has to be the coolest ship on the seas!"

Naruto sighed and cracked a small smile at Luffy's enthusiasm. He may not be very smart, but damn if the guy wasn't enthusiastic, "So that's the plan for you guys? You're going to go and hit up that mansion this guy is telling us about and see if you can get a ship?"

Usopp nodded, "It's the only place in the village you can get a ship. It's not very big, but it's not really small either. It belongs to the owner of the mansion on the hill. But she's really a sick young girl that's always bed-ridden."

Nami looked stunned, "She's sick? Then how is she the owner?"

Luffy and Zoro weren't even listening at this point as they both wanted more meat and sake, respectively. Usopp ten explained how the girl living in the mansion was left everything by her parents when they died of sicknesses of their own, and how she was actually very lonely.

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