Chapter 8: Go Your Own Way

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. If possession of these things could change hands from challenges to duels then I would be flying to Japan as we speak to issue Oda and Kishimoto written formal challenges to hand-to-hand duels to the death. I would have to make sure I was ready though, since we all know that manga writers are master martial artists with the power to crush walnuts with their pinky fingers and who use their extensive knowledge of combat to write their masterpieces.

Chapter 8: Go Your Own Way

"Man Nami-chan." Naruto said as he stood over Zoro and Luffy's fallen forms, poking at them with his foot, "You sure aren't very creative when you want someone to stop are you? Kami, I could have thought of that myself..."

Nami simply wiped off her knuckles, "Then why didn't you?"

Naruto shrugged, "I don't know, because part of me thought that watching them slug it out was hilarious. I have to say, watching other people destroy random pieces of property is entertaining. Not as much fun as doing it myself, but it did the job."

Nami picked both Luffy and Zoro up off of the ground by their collars, "Don't you two idiots realize that if Naruto-kun wasn't here I might have ended up losing 1 billion beli?"

Vivi looked over at them all in confusion, "What are you talking about and why are you helping me?"

"Oh that's right." Nami said as she held Zoro and Luffy back from fighting even more as they woke up, "We have to talk about this, how about some negotiations?" She eventually got a tick mark on her head and slammed Zoro and Luffy into the ground, "Stop fighting you morons!"

Naruto scratched his head, "Right, well while you two do that, I'm going to make sure my people are ready to clear out of here on cue. I'm going to get Noji-chan from the tavern." With that, Naruto grabbed the unconscious Miss Valentine and shunshined away.


"What's up mon capitan?" Soren asked, leaning against the mast as Naruto appeared in a swirl of leaves aboard the ship carrying Nojiko and Miss Valentine, "You done blowing up half of the town yet or do you want to turn the other side to rubble too?"

Naruto grinned cheekily at Soren, "Are you even sober yet?"

Soren looked away, "Yes."

"Then let go of the mast then and take this chick off of my hands." Naruto started before he saw Soren somewhat sway against his point of balance, "Nevermind..." He stated with a sweatdrop, "You would probably drop her over the edge and we don't really need to lose a prisoner right now."

A shrug from the bald bounty hunter was his response, "Fair enough. Is she one of those Baroque Works people?" A nod was his response, "You really seem to like making a habit of capturing people that you beat."

Naruto walked inside with a smile on his face, "Hey I killed the other guy, what can I say? Tourists like me enjoy souvenirs."

Soren let out a sigh as he lay down on the deck, "Whatever. Take them inside and cop another feel on Nojiko like I know you're going to do. I'll be here drifting in and out of consciousness. If I really do black out though, flip me over when you come back up."

"Will do." Naruto said as he left Soren alone on deck. "What the fuck?" Naruto said after a moment of silence throughout the boat. Soren grunted loudly to let him know he was listening, "Soren what is with all of the barrels in the storeroom? I did not put this crap in here." He said as he stomped back up to the acid-spitting man.

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