Chapter 23: Headfirst Slide Into the Lobby

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. If anyone reading this does then I have to wonder... what in the sweet hell are you doing reading my shitty fanfiction? Don't you have anything better to do? Go put gas in your airplane you rich motherfucker. This is broke people entertainment.

Chapter 23: Headfirst Slide Into the Lobby

(Water 7 – Blue Station – Aboard the Sea Train)

The conductor of the Sea Train entered the car housing the CP9 members Rob Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa before speaking, "Lucci-san we will be departing a little early, is there any problem that you have with that?"

"No, let's leave." Lucci said firmly without any thought to the contrary, "For five years I've lived on this island. I don't regret leaving this place."

The conductor nodded and left the room, heading to another car as he got on the Den Den Mushi that acted as the speaker system in the train, "This is the Sea Train's last departure for today. We are now leaving Water 7, destination: Enies Lobby." The brakes of the train released as it began to power up, "We are now departing."


Nami and Nojiko hopped off of the Yagura Bull both girls were riding as it quickly pulled into Blue Station, "Let's go Nami, we're here!"

Nami nodded and looked back at the animal they had ridden to get there, "Thank you Yagura-chan." She said to the Yagura Bull before following her sister who seemed to be in better shape than Nami did from the way Nojiko was running, "Where do we go Nojiko?"

Paulie pulled up on his own ride and quickly answered her, "Take the stairs down to the middle entrance! That's where you want to go!"

Both girls immediately followed his instructions and rushed around the station workers warning them that it was dangerous to be there at the moment before finally making their way to the platform to see the train taking off and leaving Water 7. Nojiko stopped running, catching her breath after the spirited rush that wound up failing in the end, however Nami refused to give up and chased after the train for as long as there was platform to run on, "Robin, get off the train! Wait! Robin We'll fight them for you, you don't have to go!"

The sound of the train easily blotted out her yells for Robin, if they would have gotten through to her anyway. Nami dropped to her knees in sorrow, "Damn it! I was too late."

Nojiko and Paulie walked over, with the shipwright feeling for the girl a bit, "I'm sorry..."

Nojiko looked down the track covered by the ever rising water level, "So now what? There's no way we're getting on that thing now. What are we supposed to do?"

"Hey!" One of the station workers called out, "You're Paulie of the Galley-La company! What in the world are you doing here with wounds like that?"

Nojiko laid her eyes on them and decided to get some information out of them, "What was with the train's early departure? I know we made it here in time. That was not twenty minutes." She said charily.

One of the men nodded, "Yes, well we had finished loading all of the passengers... and this sea storm is going to be incredible. It looks as if the Aqua Laguna is going to come through here any second now. It's dangerous to be here right now."

Paulie nodded and looked at Nojiko resting a hand on Nami's shoulder as she cried at missing her chance to stop Robin, "Hey, I know it's hard to accept but that train is going to Enies Lobby, and once it leaves it can't be stopped." What he said had absolutely no effect on bettering Nami's mood, getting Nojiko to glare at him, "Are you crying? Seriously? Geez..."

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