Chapter 6: Famous For All the Wrong Reasons

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. And to everyone that thinks that this fact is utterly hilarious... Go fuck yourself.

*Credit goes to Agurra of the Darkness for a very important idea for this chapter. Will be elaborated on further at the bottom of the chapter.*

Chapter 6: Famous For All the Wrong Reasons

Naruto looked over Nojiko's shoulder as she sat in the common area going over a map. He pointed at the Log Pose, "That thing isn't pointing north Noji-chan."

Nojiko rolled her eyes while keeping them on the map in front of her, "I know Naruto-kun. Normal compasses don't work on the Grand Line. Something about this place has messed up magnetic fields so your regular everyday compass is useless here, that's why the Log Pose is important."

Naruto nodded in understanding, "Okay, so if this is what we need to navigate then why the hell is it going all haywire like that? Because right now it's acting just like my regular compass. Is it broken?"

Nojiko frowned, "How were you planning on captaining this ship if you don't know this stuff Naruto-kun?" Naruto shrugged and she pulled him down to sit next to her, "Listen up. The Log Pose needs to lock on to a specific island's magnetic signature, from that point it won't reset until we reach that island and stay there for a while. It resets seven times and then always points at the final destination on the Grand Line, Raftel."

Naruto smirked, "Well it's a good thing that we can get on and off the Grand line whenever the hell we want isn't it? Man taking this ship was an awesome investment."

Nojiko smiled and nodded, "Yep, even though you did it by accident you've really gotten us a boon here Naruto-kun. We can do all kinds of things with this ship that other pirates can't do."

Naruto's smirk fell, "So you're calling us pirates now too? We haven't even done anything piratey. Yeah, Johnny and Yosaku did, but they're idiots. I don't even think they know that I've been increasing their weights slightly every other night."

Nojiko looked at him in shock, "You've been what?"

Naruto grinned, "Yep. Every other night I increase their weights by two pounds, even if I end up giving them a massive increase the next day. I can't believe they can't tell, but I guess being as tired and sore as they probably are all of the time they can't feel much difference when they wake up in the morning." He looked at the map, "So where are we anyway?"

Nojiko returned focus to the map and placed her finger on the blue line leading east to west through the middle of the map, "We're somewhere in here, fairly close to Reverse Mountain in the Paradise part of the Grand Line."

Naruto gave her a questioning look, "Paradise? You call a place with giant sea creatures capable of smashing our ship by accident Paradise?"

Nojiko thunked him lightly on the head, "Listen please. Paradise is what they call the part of the Grand Line that spans from the start point of Reverse Mountain to the Red Line on the adjacent side of the world. Once you pass that point it's the New World, the part that's barely mapped out at all. It's super dangerous."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "How the hell are we going to cross the Red Line once we get that far? I guess I could drag the ship up the side and over, we could cross it that way."

Nojiko panicked, "No! We need permission from Mariejois to do something like that."

Naruto scoffed, "Again with that Mariejois place. Fuck them. They can't tell me where to go or what to do. I'm not a citizen of the stupid World Government, I've told you once and I'll tell you again Noji-chan; I do what I want because I've yet to come face to face with anyone that can stop me. When I actually do meet someone that might be able to kill me I'll probably start watching my back, but until that point in time I will be reckless and immature."

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