Chapter 7: Can't Keep Meeting Like This

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. I told the loan sharks that I did as a bluff... big mistake because they believed me and are now coming to collect. The good news; I'll have plenty of time to update my stories in the hospital when they break my legs. Lucky, lucky you.

Chapter 7: Can't Keep Meeting Like This

"Again." Naruto said lazily as he had his hand/arm deep inside of one of the cannons, "And this time the loser has to go get Nojiko up. I swear I go way too easy on that girl..." He pulled his arm out with a groan and worked the kinks out of it, "Who lost this time?" He asked as he turned around.

Johnny pointed at Yosaku who glowered at his sunglasses-clad friend. Naruto nodded and sat on the deck between them a decent distance off, "Alright then, you know the rules. First blood wins. And begin."

Both men reached for their new swords from their scabbards. Yosaku had a massive 66-inch nodachi with the sheath placed across his back, 23 inches of it handle, 43 inches of it blade. The handle was purple with silver woven into it. The silver weaving had the appearance of waves, and the sheath was plain black with his name in kanji emblazoned on it.

Johnny had an uchigatana, curved for swift drawing. It was more closely resembling something that Zoro would use, however Naruto told him that this blade was more suited towards speed and accuracy, more so than Zoro's swords and definitely more so than Yosaku's sword. His handle was golden and the sheath was black with gold coming into it halfway down There was no particular pattern in it as there were simply silver grooves going horizontally all the way down.

Upon hearing Naruto instruct them to begin, Johnny immediately launched himself at Yosaku, drawing his blade in the blink of an eye and slashing at him straight from the draw. Yosaku barely had his sword out in time to block as he felt Yosaku pushing against him. With a growl he shoved hard and threw Johnny off of him, sending him hard against the mast. Yosaku tried to follow up, but as Johnny avoided the strike all he hit was the wood of the mast, cutting into it.

"Hey!" Naruto barked, "If you fuck up my ship I'll fuck you up in return!"

The two ignored him as Yosaku's attempts at striking Johnny didn't really come close to hitting him. Johnny saw many openings that just screamed for him to counter, but he knew that at this point Yosaku was weary enough of his speed attacks to be able to get his nodachi up in time to block, no matter how fast he was moving at this point, he just couldn't swing his own fast enough to hit Johnny.

The anger on Yosaku's face was steadily growing as he found himself unable to hit Johnny. He finally overextended on a thrust that left him wide open to Johnny, who wasted no time in lashing out in a counter that Yosaku couldn't recover from, taking a wound on his forearm.

"And that's match, and your arm. Yosaku you lose." Naruto said as he stood up, "You started off decently enough, but then you fell into old habits and Johnny is adjusting to his new sword faster than you. Therefore you lost your edge early."

Yosaku swung out his sword in anger, "You said first blood! That favors Johnny! He's faster with his sword than me."

Naruto simply stared at Yosaku blankly, "Alright Yosaku, I'll show you exactly when you could have won the fight." He summoned Samehada, covered in bandages over his shoulder and motioned to Johnny, "Johnny. Attack me the way you attacked Yosaku at the start of the fight."

Johnny nodded and resheathed his sword before attacking Naruto much the same way that he came at his swordsman partner. Naruto blocked the same way that Yosaku did and pushed Johnny against the mast just like Yosaku did, however instead of swinging Samehada at him like Yosaku swung his own sword, Naruto dropped the sword low, freeing one hand to pop Johnny in the mouth with a punch.

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