Chapter 18: Pacifista Pacifist

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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece. I challenge Oda to a drag race for the rights to One Piece. My 98 Ford Taurus will straight smoke whatever piece of crap he can put on the road. I mean what can the income from a successful manga franchise afford anyway? Nothing better than the powerful power of a used, family-sized, late 90's four door sedan I'm certain. Hallelujah holla back!

Chapter 18: Pacifista Pacifist

Jewelry Bonney pulled herself to her feet and looked at the three hulking, massive figures that had crashed the party and busted into the restaurant without warning or provocation, "Hey Uzumaki. I think these guys are here for you."

Naruto was already on his feet wiping the dust from the explosion off of himself, "Gee, whatever gave you that idea? Was it the calling out of my name and bounty like we had a problem, the glowing red eyes, or the part where they said 'immediate execution?'" Naruto looked at them all, "Man they're huge."

Bonney looked at most of her crew down for the count after the surprise attack, "Can you beat them all?"

Naruto grinned at her, "Woman, I'm Uzumaki 'fucking' Naruto. There's not a single creature on this beautiful blue ball of water and dirt I can't beat, and if there is then I'm just not trying hard enough." He got a good look at their attackers, "What are they, brothers or something?"

Bonney's eyes widened once she was able to get a good look at who they were, "Kuma? The Shichibukai Bartholomew Kuma?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow, "Shichibukai? Which one, they all look alike?"

"All of them!" She exclaimed, "They're all Kuma! We can't take them on, they'll slaughter us! What do they want?"

Naruto gave her a deadpan look, "To kill me. You can run if you want to, just make sure when you get your crew you get mine up as well. They're not here for you Bonney, just me. Aren't I special?" She didn't even bother giving it a second thought, hightailing it away from Naruto's side to avoid any conflict and letting him focus on the task at hand, "Well it looks like I'm going to be tearing another town apart. Kami, Noji-chan was right, I do destroy things everywhere I go." With a sigh he left the restaurant and prompted his opponents to follow him in pursuit.


(With Foxhound Pirates)

Soren threw a sizeable chunk of debris off of his body and looked around. Noticing that everyone else had been knocked senseless by the first attack he quickly made his way over to them and woke them up, "Hey, where's Uzumaki?" He then got a dry look on his face, "Wait, I don't even need to answer that. He's obviously fighting whatever did this." He looked at Miss Valentine, who was the fastest to recover, "Make sure you wake everyone up and tell them me and Uzumaki are fighting. Who knows what it's going to be this time."

Miss Valentine nodded, holding her head, and Soren left the ruined building. She then went around making sure that everyone had their awareness about them, "Come on, you guys are alright. Nothing even hit any of you."

Nojiko and Vivi were still sitting down, disoriented from the first blast. Johnny and Yosaku were standing up, albeit barely, "What just happened?" Vivi asked, "Who did this?"

"Bartholomew Kuma." Bonney said from nearby as she was getting her own people together, "Uzumaki is fighting him right now." She saw their faces pale, "Yeah, exactly. And I haven't even gotten to the kicker yet. Apparently there's three of them, all gunning for him."

Johnny immediately clutched the sword at his hip, "What? We've got to go help fi-!"

"No you aren't!" Miss Valentine snapped at him, catching everyone off guard as she was never one to yell at anyone in anger, "Everyone here would just get themselves killed if we tried anything. We'd just get in Naruto's way." She said.

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