Chapter 6

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{Elsa's P.O.V.}

I was on a date with Hans. We decided to go to the mall. First we were just goofing around in shops. Hans is actually really funny. But every where I looked I thought I saw that Jack guy. Maybe I'm just crazy or there's someone who looks like him.

Anyway, we got kicked out of the third shop we decided to go to the movies. While we were in line to buy tickets I swear I saw Jack again. In about the middle of the movie I had to use the bathroom, so I excused myself.

When I stepped out of the restroom Jack was there, "Hello sunshine. What are you doing here?"

I tried to push past him but he was stronger than me, "Not creeping out random girls. You should try it, it's highly effective in friend making skills."

I knew I didn't need to say that but he has no right to keep me here.

He got up in my face, "Shouldn't have said that. But that's not the point. Hans is on another power trip. You think he likes you? Did you see the look on his face when you kissed him? Full discomfort."

I frowned, "You dirty little liar. You should mind your own business and leave me alone. My relationship is none of your business."

His breath washed over my face. It wasn't foul smelling it smelt like... peppermint? Why do I care?!

"He's cheating on you. Want proof? I saw him trying to suck Snow White's face off. Don't believe me? I saw Snow White walk into the same screening room as you. I bet it we walk in right now, we'll ruin a party."

He walked toward the screening room and I reluctantly followed. We waked towards where Hans and I were sitting. We slid in behind them to find them on top of each other. He's trying to be slick. I pulled up my hood and began to kick his chair.

He began to turn around and as he did I lowered my hood, "Oh hi Hans. I didn't see you there with Snow White on top of you. And guess what you didn't see coming? We're through.", and walked out of the screening room.

I heard footsteps following me, "I don't want to hear it Hans!", and turned around.

It was Jack. I wanted to punch that smirk right off his face, "Don't worry you won't have to."

I was done, "What. Do. You. Want. From. ME?!"

People began to stare, "I would suggest you lower your voice Elsa. And now that I've helped you I think a deserve a reward no?"

I angrily squinted my eyes at him, "You're lucky I don't call the cops. I think that's enough reward for you." And I begun to walk away.

{Jack's P.O.V.}

I grabbed her wrist, "Tell your friends lay off, okay?"

She turned around at me with tears in her eyes, "Let. Me. Go."

I snapped out of it and dropped her wrist. She was so pale and frail there was a big red mark where my hand had been. 'Great Jack. Now she hates you too.' I wanted to catch up with her and try to apologize but she seemed really upset. I'll let her go. For now.

{Rapunzel's P.O.V.}

When Elsa called me she was crying, "He cheated on me with that Snow White girl! I can't *sob* believe that jerk!"

I switched hands, "Dear, I'll be right over okay?"

And I hung up on her. When I arrived at her house she was trying to clean up her mascara.

"Oh Elsa look at you. You're a mess." I grabbed her hand to consult her and saw the red mark, "Who did this? Did he hurt you? Elsa look at me."

She whispered, "Jack, Jack did this to me. He showed me that Hans was cheating and then wanted a pay. I told him no and he grabbed me. Then he let me go and I left."

I hugged Elsa, "Poor baby. I'm so sorry."

She sniffed and sat up, "I should get going now. It's Saturday and I have lots of homework."

I looked at her, "Elsa, you're home. I'm the one who came over."

She smiled in a kinda delusional way, "Oh yes. You can leave now. Thanks Punzie."

I listened to the heartbroken girl and left.

{Hiccup's P.O.V.}

Astrid and I are dating! I asked her out and she said yes. This is good. Reeeeeallly good. I have a date to the formal, this is the first year! But yesterday I was walking Toothless and that Merida girl talked to me. I shouldn't be excited because I'm dating Astrid but she's popular! The next day I went to school and saw Astrid in the hall texting someone and laughing.

I walked over and said, "Hey."

She almost dropped her phone and looked like I scared her, "Hey I didn't mean to scare you. How's your day going?"

Her face relaxed and she smiled, "Oh mines good. How bout you?"

I smiled, "Boring and long. I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure there's pizza for lunch."

The bell rang and she gathered her stuff, "Uh gotta go! Great talking to you Hiccup!"

She waved and left. I waved back but she was already gone.

{Merida's P.O.V.}

I was in science class partnered with Mulan. We were dissecting frogs. Other groups were sayin' things like 'EW!' 'yuck' an' 'gross, I'm gonna puke!'. Me an' Mulan were mocking them and laughing the whole time.

When the teacher yelled at them to shut up Mulan leaned forward, "What were you doing the other day at the skate park with that nerd?"

I looked at her, "Why? You gotta problem with me talkin ta people? I liked his-"


Everyone stared at us and I covered Mulan's mouth, "I liked HIS DOG, idiot."

She looked up at me smugly, "Mhm okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Merida, I totally believe you."

I slapped her upside her head, "Okay I'll stop."

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