Chapter 11

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{Elsa's P.O.V.}

I was sitting in a guest bedroom trying to un-see some stuff. I thought that it was the bathroom, I swear!

Let's just say I accidentally walked in on Rapunzel and Flynn.

You can work out the details. Luckily they didn't hear or see me.

Jack was somewhere downstairs, enjoying the party. He probably didn't notice I was gone.

"Elsa? What are you doing in here all alone? Anna and Tiana are about to do karaoke." I heard Jack's voice, slightly slurred.

I looked up at him, "Are you okay? You sound... drunk."

He smiled and laughed. Then he walked over to the bed I was sitting on, "Elsa, sweetheart I'm only trying to have a little fun, loosen up."

I pushed him away, "Jack you reek of alcohol! What are you doing?!"

He tried to kiss me but misjudged it and we just ended up clashing teeth, "Ugh! Jack, what the heck is wrong with you?"

He held my chin, "You're soooooo driving home tonight. I can't even remember how to get downstairs."

I pulled him off the bed, "We're going to go find Hiccup, okay?"

He maniacally laughed and tilted his head, "I think he might be busy Elsa."

I walked into the living room to find Hiccup and Merida frenching with the crowd cheering them on. I found Anna and tugged her into the hallway, "Hey, sista-sista. Can you believe it only took Hiccup one drink? It took Merida five."

I pulled them both outside, "We're all going home. Jack what's your orphanage called?"

Anna weakly tried to pull away from me, "Nooooo I have to tell Kristoff I'm leaving. He'll miss me. I didn't tell him I love him....."

We all got in the car and I started up the engine, "Jack, what's your orphanage called?"

He was drifting off to sleep, "Burgess home for kids."

{Jack's P.O.V.}

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. I had no idea how I ended up in my bed. Oh crap the party, I probably got wasted.

I called Elsa, "Hello? Elsa?"

"Hi Jack. What's up? Are you okay? Do you have a hangover? I know a really good drink that helps, lemme find the recipe..."

I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck, "Yeah, I'm kinda hungover..... Uh, can I ask you a few questions about last night?"

I heard her close a book, "Yeah, shoot."

I sighed, "Did I do anything, weird?"

I heard her take a sharp intake of breath, "Uh, um, well, you came to me totally drunk and wanted me to watch Anna and Tiana do karaoke. Then you walked over and sat down next to me. Then you, *GULP* tried to kiss me, but you missed and our teeth collided. Then I dragged you and Anna out of there and we left."

I facepalmed myself, "So I tried to kiss you? And you took me back home?"

"Yeah. And yes. The kind woman who brought you inside didn't mind that you were drunk."

I exhaled, "Oh god Els, I'm so sorry about last night. I just, I don't know. The party got to my head. I just went nuts."

She sighed, "Well now you learned your lesson. Hopefully you won't repeat it."

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