Chapter 10

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{Rapunzel's P.O.V.}

Tonight was the night of the dance. After the dance there was a HUGE after party at my place. Even the wannabes are invited. The school had a half a day so that everyone could get ready. I was dressed, and made up but my hair. My stupid short hair. I know I shouldn't have cut it. I had invited all the girls over to get ready. Everyone was ready except me.

"Come on Punzie, I'm on the head of the student council and need to be early for preparations." Anna whined.

Tiana was checking and fixing her freshly done nails, "I'm supposed to go early and set up my music equipment with Naveen."

Merida had enough, "WOULD YOU TWO JUST SHUT UP AN' LEAVE?!"

Mulan nodded in agreement, "You two can drive so, drive away."

Elsa pulled out a curling iron, "Here, Punzie, I'll do your hair then we'll go, okay?"

I pulled Elsa in my bathroom, "Thanks for saving me back there."

Elsa smiled, "I'll curl your hair and we'll go."

Elsa looked beautiful, and she was so helpful. When she finished she stepped back so I could see the mirror.

"Wow, Els thanks so much. I look great."

Elsa laughed, "I didn't need to curl your hair for you to look great."

I blushed, "Elsa you're too nice."

She linked her arm through mine, "Our dance awaits."

{Jack's P.O.V.}

I had wanted to pick Elsa up from her house but she told me to go to Rapunzel's house and meet her there.

I pulled up exactly when they all walked out of the house. They all looked like Disney princesses.


She walked over, "Hi Jack. You look nice, I love the color of your tie."

I smoothed it out, "I see you like blue so I picked out this one."

She giggled and held my hand, "Didn't your parents want to meet me?"

My smile disappeared, "My parents are dead. So yeah..."

She covered her mouth in surprise, "Oh Jack I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. If it makes you feel better, instead of our parents taking the picture, we could take a selfie."

I laughed, "Sure."

We took three or four selfies and got into the car.

{Elsa's P.O.V.}

Jack looked very nice. I thought it was thoughtful of him to pick a tie to match my dress.

Maybe we could win queen and king.

"So Elsa, what's the afterparty like?"

I tapped my chin and thought, "Uh Rap's parties are always people dancing, screaming, and raiding her mom's liquor closet."

Jack smirked, "Well sounds like a real party Elsa. We are so helping her raid."

My eyes widened and I fake pouted, "You are such a bad boy Frost."

He pulled up at the school, "I've heard that tequila's good..."

I playfully punched his arm and laughed, "Oh shut up! You're supposed to drive me home after the afterparty. Then drive yourself."

Jack looped his arm around my shoulders, "I'll only have one...."

{Merida's P.O.V.}

Hiccup looked nice with his tie. He even gelled his hair! I was fed up with Anna and Tiana's whining so I'll say I did kinda lash out at them. Plus I was wearing a dress...

"Hi Merida. You look nice. The color really suits you."

I blushed, I hate it when he does that, "Thanks. Yer hair looks okay, but I like it better like this," and I reached up and ruffled his hair.

He smiled at me, "So Rapunzel's party, how is it?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "It's really boring. Ye either get wasted or bored to death."

Hiccup laughed, "Wow, there's no medium."

I shook my head, "Nope, but ye've never been to one?"

He shook his head and we walked inside, "It's always been VIPS only."

I took his hand and lead him to an empty table, "Well you are now."

{Hiccup's P.O.V.}

Merida and I alternated from the dance floor to our table by the punch bowl. Whenever we were on the dance floor we just danced like crazy people and ran whenever we heard a slow song come on.

"Hiccup, everyone on the dance floor hates us for not dancin' any slow songs. Rap keeps givin' me the evil eye, cuz I won't."

I shrugged, "Fine, if you want to dance one slow song, we'll dance the next one that comes on."

And in that very second a slow song started to play. Merida tugged me towards the dance floor. I placed my hands on her hips and she held my shoulders.

"I hope Rapunzel's happy now."

Merida laughed and looked down, "Then she wouldn't be the only one."

I blushed and was thankful that she wasn't looking up at me.


When they stopped playing the music everyone was quiet. We all knew what was happening, they were announcing the King and Queen. There were other categories such as, Best Dressed (Boy/Girl), Cutest Couple, so on and so on. But nobody cared about the side events, everyone wanted to be King and Queen. But there was one thing that was bad about the whole "King and Queen" thing, you didn't have to be the other person's date.

The principal walked onto the stage and tapped the mike, "Okay everybody, I just wanted to say thank you to the student council and party planning committee for setting up this wonderful dance. Let's have a round of applause," clapping and woo-ing, "Okay, the award for Best Dressed goes to blah blah blah blah... (A/N: SORRY I'M TOO LAZY. JUST IMAGINE PEOPLE WON THE OTHER AWARDS. SORRY!) And now the King and Queen of the Fall Formal are, ELSA WINTERS AND HANS SOUTHERN-ISLES!"

Everyone's jaws dropped.

A/N: PLOT TWIST!!!!!!!!




purplesweaters ♥ ;-;

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