Part 1: I'm Not Yours To Lose!

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Bigby rubbed his forehead, exhaling tiredly. It had been three days since the murders of Faith and Lilly, and three days since the execution of the Crooked Man. He needed to talk to Snow desperately and tell him he was sorry for what he did.

He stepped off the lift and made his way to the Business Office. As he reached to open the door, it abruptly swung open, and a smug-faced, familiar, handsome man walked out.

"Hello, Sheriff." He smirked when he saw Bigby's dumbfounded face.

That shiny black hair and pressed suit and smug fucking face ... Prince Charming!

Anger prodded Bigby like knives. What the hell was he doing here?

"I was just having a lovely conversion with my ex-wife and she was telling me all about your greatness of solving the case," Charming smirked.

Bigby huffed through his nose and pushed past the annoying twat to get to the office.

"Wish I could've seen you rip the guy's head off!" Charming called after him, laughing.

Ignoring him, Bigby walked up to Snow's desk. Snow was deep in conversation on the phone, her back to him. "Snow?" Bigby said. She gave him a gesture as if to say, Not now. But Bigby wasn't about to be ignored again.

"Snow," he said again. "We need to talk."

Sighing, she muttered, "I'll call you back" and turned to glare at Bigby icily.

"What is it?" she snapped, and Bigby couldn't help noticing and feeling hurt by the frostiness of her voice.

"About what happened -" he started before she was already waving her hand impatiently.

"Yes. I know what happened. I get it. You're sorry and you don't know what came over you. Well, Bigby, this isn't just a case of saying sorry to me and then think it's all solved. I mean, for God's sake, you ripped the Crooked Man's head off in front of the whole community!" Guiltily, Bigby hanged his head like a child. "By that you betrayed the trust of Fabletown and the respect of your title," Snow went on angrily.

"I know," Bigby said quietly.

"No you don't know," Snow scowled. "You have no idea what this means."

Bigby was crestfallen that Snow was so angry at him. If he could turn back the time he would.

"Now if you'll excuse me." Snow grabbed her purse. "I'm going to have lunch with my ex-husband whilst you can think about what you've done."

Instantaneously a wave of jealousy washed over Bigby at the slimy creep's name. "You're having lunch with Prince Charming?" he growled indignantly before he could stop himself.

Snow glared at Bigby. She felt angry and disappointed with him right now and really didn't need his pathetic jealousy. "Yes I am," she said haughtily. "Not that it's your right to object to." And shooting him a cold look, she pushed past him and marched out of the office.

Bigby stared after her. Part of him wanted to run after her and beg her not to have lunch with that cheating, scummy manwhore - but Snow wasn't his. After Bigby let his Big Bad Wolf side get the better of him, she probably never will be.


"And I'm supposed to do what?" Snow snarled. "Sit around the business office twiddling my thumbs? Waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to solve all my problems?"

"That's not what I meant," Bigby argued angrily.

"Then what did you mean? I told you, I'm tired of sitting around! I'm not going to be an errand girl for Crane anymore!"

"I just want you to be careful!" Bigby exploded, remembering the pain he felt when he was convinced Snow White was dead. "I almost lost you once, and -"

"I'm not yours to lose!"

** end of flashback **

Bigby's chest tightened when he remembered those five harsh words that pricked him all over like needles. Sighing, he raked a hand through his brown curls. "Fucking hell," he muttered.

It looked like he had lost Snow again, whether she was his or not.

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