chapter 5

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The ride to the airport was a blur

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The ride to the airport was a blur.

When you arrived Jin opened the door for you and helped you with your personal bag.  He was holding the black bag he was forever dropping right inside your front door.

When you hesitated he explained the driver would get your bags.  You quickly walked to the area of the airport for private flights.

As you neared the private lounges you stopped as you had a panicked thought.

“ Jin…” you pulled his hand to stop him  “ my id….my passport..”

He interrupted you with a quick kiss as he reached around you to open the small purse he had given you.  He pulled out a small leather wallet with all your travel documents..

“Relax"  he whispered “ Trust me". He grabbed your hand and led you to the private lounge.

The scene inside was complete chaos.  You had met most of his team members over the past couple of years. Plus, they were easily recognizable due to their latest global accomplishments.  Several managers you had seen or met were there as well. 

The major chaos came from the swarm of girls surrounding the younger members vying for their attention.  You hoped they would be left behind.

Across the room you blushed as you saw the man you met this morning.   All you could do was hope that he did not remember seeing you a few hours ago underneath Jin in the backseat of a car.

That hope was dashed as he caught your eye and winked.  Next to him was a beautiful woman you recognized from a meeting at the agency.  She gave you a warm smile.  You looked forward to meeting her.

Finally one of the managers stepped up and asked for quiet.  He gave instructions about boarding and cautioned you would leave in about ten minutes.

The manger appeared again and asked all staff to board.  Thankfully the swarm of women were ushered out of the room.

Finally the manager indicated to the team members they should follow him.

You gripped Jin's hand tightly and whispered “where do I go?”

He put his hand on your face and pressed a sweet kiss.

“With me. You are with me.  Just stay right by me…..always" he answered.  You kissed him, sealing a promise that you would do exactly that.

The private jet was large to accommodate the entire group.  The area where you were seated was lush.  Flight staff provided champagne as you were seated.

The group members and you and the woman from earlier were the only ones in this section of the plane.  The members arranged themselves in seats out of habit, laughing when you and the other woman moved to sit by your partners. 

Everyone finally settled and very soon you took off.  You were excited to be with Jin, everything else was a bonus.

It was evident that the men were exhausted and used to grabbing rest as they traveled.  All of them pulled out pillows and ear phones .  Most of them were immediately asleep. 

The other couple sat quietly talking in the back corner.  Jin was telling you little things about each member, but you could tell he was growing sleepy.

“Let's rest," you whispered to him.

He reluctantly agreed and lowered the divider between you and reclined your seats, making a cozy nest.  As the attendant passed he asked for a blanket. He covered the two of you and rested his head on your shoulder.  He fell asleep almost immediately.   Wrapping your arms around him to hold him close, you soon followed.

Soft chimes sounded and the flight crew came around and quietly informed everyone to prepare for landing.

An hour later you were in the back of a blacked out stretch SUV with the members, one manager and Lily, the stunning girlfriend of the man you had met earlier.  You had spoken briefly as the luggage was being gathered.  She was warm and friendly and you were looking forward to getting to know her.

The ride to the resort was lively and fueled with free flowing champagne.  Everyone was in high spirits and eager to begin the vacation

It was very late by the time you arrived at the main Chalet.  It was beautiful, lights shining from all the windows and a fire roaring in the room as you entered.

The men all went go the desk and checked in, receiving keys for the individual lodges. You and Lily became better acquainted as you warmed yourselves by the fire.  Jin was the first to finish check in.  He came to stand behind you, wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on the top of your head.  He slowly rocked you in his arms and hummed in contentment. 

“When everyone is finished we will eat"  he explained “then will find our lodge."

He bent to kiss you softly. You closed your eyes and leaned back into him.  You were utterly content.

Soon the others were finished and a hostess can to announce dinner was prepared.

Jin put his arms around your waist and led you into the intimate dining room.  A fire burned on one wall and candles were scattered throughout the room, giving it a warm glow. 

The group sat down to eat.  It was obvious they spent a lot of time together and that they loved each other like family.  There was much teasing laughter, but none of it mean spirited.  Food was freely passed around and shared. Wine and spirits freely flowed and the conversation sparkled. 

You relaxed against Jin and enjoyed the feeling of being in a big loving family.
After the table was cleared the team took turns sharing loving words with each other, toasting their successes and making prayers and wishes for the coming years.  Several times you felt tears prick at the men, their sincerity and their eloquence.  Jin caught your shining eyes and laughing, kissed you softly.

“You'll get used to being in a family of artists and poets,” he promised, taking your hand and holding tight.

You smiled through another veil of unshed tears and leaned into him to soak it all in.

As the fire burned low the group grew quieter and more introspective.  The men chatted with each other and hugged each other often. 

Jin pulled you to sit in his lap.  He kissed your neck, then moved up to place a kiss behind your ear.

“Let's find our lodge" he whispered.  You kissed him in agreement.  He sat you to your feet and stood.

“We will leave first.  We are going to find our lodge," he announced.  The remaining men rose and came to hug him and wish him goodnight. 

Then each of them melted away to find their own beds, further diversions, or both as the case may be.

Whooooooo!!  I wrote this story December 2018 but looks like my dreams may be coming true with this BV

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Whooooooo!!  I wrote this story December 2018 but looks like my dreams may be coming true with this BV...swoon!!!

Here is the main lodge at night!! Can't wait till our lovers find their private rustic hideaway♡♡♡

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