chapter 13

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His stomach growled even louder this time and he reluctantly stepped out of the tub, dripping wet and all man looming over you

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His stomach growled even louder this time and he reluctantly stepped out of the tub, dripping wet and all man looming over you.

Suddenly you knew he was only half joking about trying his best.  You said the only thing you could think of to distract him.

“This surprise involves food!” you whispered.

The gleam in his eye was real. “ lead the way” he growled and you took his hand and led him to the kitchen.

Jin was happy.  He was content to soak in that tub all night with you.  He wanted to feel this way forever. 

He stared into the fire over your head nestled under his chin and thought forever would not be enough.

His stomach, the draining tub, your teasing and his half serious calculations about the advisability of loving you again drug him away from those thoughts. 

He knew he was truly in paradise as you led him into the kitchen and stood him in front of the fridge full of excellent ingredients and showed him the tabletop grill.

“Yes!” Jin exclaimed and kissed you “I will make us a FEAST!"

You kissed him back and promised to bring him some clothes.  He shrugged, like grilling in a towel was his norm.  Having met his team it might well be.

As he happily assembled his ingredients you quickly changed into a pair of flannel pants and a thermal shirt.  You took Jin clothes into the kitchen and he changed rapidly.  Giving you a quick kiss he returned to his meal prep.

You returned to the bathroom and just stood for a moment, savoring this place,  tucking away memories.  You grabbed your poor soaked robe and rung it out. Gathering it with the towels and clothes, you threw them in the washer in the small laundry room.

You loaded up the leftover snack tray and took it to the kitchen bar.  Jin looked up at you and winked, then went back to his chopping.  Your heart pounded just looking at him.

In one last check of the bathroom  you found the unused champagne flutes and empty champagne bottle. 

You took the bottle in your hands and sat on the step.  Tears pricked your eyes as you thought how beautiful tonight was and how blessed you were to love and to be loved by Jin.

You wanted this love, this feeling of being valued and cherished to last forever.

Forever would not be enough, but it was a terrific start.

You put the bottle near your luggage.  It might be silly, but that was going home with you.  You returned the flutes to the cabinet. 

Jin assured you he had everything he needed and he urged you to go relax on the couch.

You turned the fireplace on and snuggled into one of the chairs.  You were lulled into deep peace at the crackle of the fireplace and the sounds of Jin working in the kitchen.  When he began to softly sing as he worked, you thought your heart would burst.

Jin walked into room to put the grill on the table.  As he turned you jumped up and threw your arms around his waist and gave him a hard kiss.

“What's this?” he teased. ”Change your mind?  Ready to give it a go?” he chuckled, pulling you tightly to him.

“Oh Jin, you make me so happy," you said, tears shining in your eyes.

“Don’t cry baby.  You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you," he said as he kissed you.

“Now, “ he said swatting your ass "Let's eat!"

You laughed and swatted him as he passed.

Jin cooked an excellent meal in front of the fireplace.  You both cleaned up and returned to cuddle in front of the fire.

In the end you were both completely sated and content.  You were holding hands in front of the fire when Jin's phone began to ring. 

With a groan he went to grab it from the counter.

The call was brief.  He came back and reached for your hands to lift you up. 

“We film tomorrow.  I have to be at the lodge at 6am. I really hate to leave you," he said.

You laid your hand to his face “I'll be right here waiting on you," you kissed him

Suddenly Jin seemed nervous “ Tomorrow afternoon, will you go on a date with me?”

“Absolutely! Tell me when and where and I am yours," you responded with a kiss.

“ I am going to hold you to that,” he whispered.  He kissed you softly.  As the kiss deepened he looked into your eyes and said “I don’t want this night to end."

You kissed him and said “Me either, take me to bed and hold me till morning."

He crushed his mouth to yours and picked you up.  He carried you in and placed you gently on the bed.

Gathering you to his chest he reached down and pulled the covers over you. He kissed you again, and again.

Wrapped around each other you soon fell into peaceful sleep.

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