chapter 15

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Jin lead you to the front of the Grand Lodge and into a shuttle

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Jin lead you to the front of the Grand Lodge and into a shuttle. It was exciting seeing the resort the daytime.  It was teeming with families enjoying time together. 

Soon you pulled into a lot advertising “Skimobile Adventures”.  Jin looked at you to gauge your reaction.

“This?  We are going out on these"  you laughed and kissed him.  He looked pleased.

There was a safety briefing and equipment check.  Now you understood the need for the helmet. 

Jin  however decided to rent the large helmets with the radio and communications system. They also had   face shields to protect you and to cover your faces.   Soon the instructor led you to a huge machine with large padded seats and a sophisticated radio and GPS system.  He was explaining everything thoroughly, but you only had eyes for Jin. 

He was giddy.  He soaked in every word, checking and double checking the safety equipment.  He took the skimobile for a short test drive to make sure he understood the breaking and gear changes.  His face glowed and it thrilled you to see him so happy.

Finally he was satisfied that he was ready to drive.  You both put on your gear and he patted the seat behind him.  You jumped on and wrapped your arms tightly around his waist. The seat pressed you right against his back and your thighs were pressed to his.

“Damn Baby," Jin said through the ‘com system “ I didn't know snowmobiles were this sexy!”

You laughed and hugged him tighter.

There was a trail marked in the snow and you followed it for a long time.  It was beautiful being out in the snow, the sun shining down, a bird or an animal adding an occasional pop of color.

Soon you became content resting your head on Jin's back, snuggling into him,  feeling his warmth even through the layers.

Jin began to drive more slowly and you looked to see what he was doing.  In the distance you could see a clearing through a grove of trees.  The sun was beginning to drop lower in the sky, bathing everything in a warm glow.  Jin stopped the snowmobile and you both leaned in for a long kiss.

  Jin stopped the snowmobile and you both leaned in for a long kiss

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“Jin, this is beautiful.  Did you know this was here?" you asked.

“No, I have never been here, but I had to stop.  It is so beautiful.” He answered, staring into the clearing.

You climbed off the snowmobile,  inexplicably drawn toward the clearing.  It was the most beautiful place you had ever seen.

Taking a deep breath, you looked in wonder at the sight before you.

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