chapter 22

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You smiled at the frown on Jin's face as he found you on his return

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You smiled at the frown on Jin's face as he found you on his return.

You were standing in the middle of a crowd of his friends.  They were all flirting with you, but you only had eyes for him.

Jin's hunger for you had only been tamped back.  It still lingered in him  ready to flare at any touch, whispered word. 

However, it was an entirely different fire that seized him when he finally found you.  The crimson dress was easy to spot in the sea of black, but what drew his eyes to you in the crowd was the sound of your laughter. 

He found you immediately, a rose surrounded by idiots.  They were all talking and gesturing, telling some wildly inappropriate story he was sure.

But you were LAUGHING at one of them. When he found out which one, that man was dead.

You caught his eye as he stalked across the room. You knew that look and it sent desire straight through you.

Your lover was jealous and headed directly toward you.  You took pity on the handsome man repeating one of Jin's jokes and stepped into the path of the storm.

You reached up to touch his face and whispered “My God, you are MAGNIFICENT when you are mad."

He grabbed you and pulled you into an alcove.  He grabbed your hands in one of his and held them behind your back. He kissed you until you were backed against into the wall. Leaning his body into yours he kissed you hard and long.
“This is not angry, remember, this is jealous.  Tell me he was not as funny as me," he growled.

“Oh baby, I may laugh at them, but you are the one I am going to spend the rest of my life with," you promised. 

He released your hands and you wrapped them around his neck. 

“Yes!!” he kissed you and spun you around “ you just saved an idiot's life."

You laughed up at him and he bent to capture your laugh in his kiss. “Yes” he smiled.

Drawing a shuddering breath he checked to see if you were ready and led you back into the dining room.  He happened to pick  an area far away from his teammates.

You mingled around the edges of the room until dinner was called. 

At that point you had no choice but to join his team at their table.  They caught Jin's mood immediately and began to torment him until the first course was finished. 

Eventually another one of them became the target of fun and everyone turned on him. 

You sat back and watched as the men laughed and teased.  How blessed Jin was to have this family.

Dinner was delicious and varied.  The most exotic course was followed by comfort food.  There was a favorite dish for everyone.

As after dinner drinks were served you all relaxed around the table.    The men fell into what you now recognized as their habit.  They freely shared affection and plans for the future.

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