chapter 16

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As you came to a stop at the Grand Lodge he came around the car to open your door and hand you out

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As you came to a stop at the Grand Lodge he came around the car to open your door and hand you out. 

Instead of going into the lodge, Jin led you to a Terrance to the side.

New snow had started to fall and you were loving walking with him in the quiet.  Suddenly he swung you around and you were amazed - again- at the sight before you.

There in the falling snow was a long table set for a winter picnic.  Small lanterns hung in the tree and candles glowed on the table.  Waiters came bearing trays of hot food and drinks. There were chairs and low benches around the table and several blankets had been scattered around to sit on and wrap up in.

You turned to him in tears “Jin!  You planned this for us?? I love it!! You planned the whole day perfectly!  I could not have dreamed it better!"He kissed you and rocked you in his arms

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You turned to him in tears “Jin!  You planned this for us?? I love it!! You planned the whole day perfectly!  I could not have dreamed it better!"

He kissed you and rocked you in his arms.  Holding you close he confessed.

“ I knew I wanted to propose  so I planned some “ opportunities”.  I wanted it to be special and I wanted you to be surprised.  I was trying to get my courage up for tonight.  But today, in the clearing?  I just knew that was our place, that was our time.  Are you happy?”

You answer was to jump in his arms and kiss him until you were both breathless.

One of the waiters brought a firepit and lit a fire.  You sat and ate and drank  basking in the glow of the fire and of your new commitment. You ate until you were full and drank until you were both slightly tipsy.

Jin leaned his head to you and sweetly took your lips in his.  What started as a gentle kiss soon turned to him greedily kissing and biting your lips, his tongue brushing and chasing yours. 

You sighed deeply and moved to sit on his lap.  Your hands started to tug his hair then roam his chest  when you were abruptly interrupted by a snowball bursting on Jin's back, followed by peals of raucous laughter.

Jin cursed as the entire team, complete with managers  burst into the clearing in a full out snowball war.

“I am going to KILL them" he ground out. 

You kissed him and whispered “Let's bury them."  He laughed at the gleam in your eye and helped start the snowball ammunition pile.

Your first several attacks were successful, but the light of the fire made you easy targets once they discovered you had engaged.  You made a run for it.

The next half hour was crazy fun and you chased and ran and played in the snow like kids. 

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