chapter 18

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Jin stopped, drawing a deep breath, looking deep into your eyes

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Jin stopped, drawing a deep breath, looking deep into your eyes.  He balanced himself above you on his elbows.

You opened to him, welcoming him into the cradle of your thighs, crying out as you felt his tip  brush against you, both of you drenched by your arousal.

“I….love….you….” he breathed as he slid his hard length into you. 

You moaned at the feeling of slowly being filled with him.  Once inside you he paused, then bent to kiss you. He held himself still, watching your face, waiting for you to ask for him.

Your ache was almost unbearable. You needed Jin to move, to stroke deep inside you.  You tried to thrust up into him but it was not what you needed. You saw him clench his jaw, holding his control.

You were growing frustrated until you remembered him saying he would give you anything, anything, all you had to do was ask.

Reaching to touch his face you asked
” Jin…..please…..” your breath caught as you saw the raw need in his face “ please help…me….I need….you..”

Your words broke him free and he slowly began to dance into you, long, slow measured strokes.

Jin groaned at your words and allowed himself to move, pumping into you like this was slow,  sweet, torture. He would never get enough of this.  He watched as your face flushed and your breathing quickened. He could feel his grip on his control slipping.

You reached to grab him, one hand going to tug at his hair.  The other grabbed the small of his back and tried to draw him in deeper to you.  You began to circle your hips, rock into him, anything to get closer to him.

You raised your legs to grasp his waist.  He moaned as he was shifted deeper into you, but he kept controlling his thrusts.  Deeper, then harder, then slower, not allowing you to find a tempo.

You could feel the tension in you building, but your body could not direct how it would reach it's release.

Jin could tell you were close and were searching for that final tip over the edge. 

He felt his release approaching as your body writhed beneath him.

Finally you arched up to him and begged him “Please ……baby……please….give me…..just….." you tossed and pulled at him, knowing bliss was right there.

Jin's body was begging for the same thing. 

He stopped thinking and began to move on primal need. 

He reached and grasped one knee and raised it higher, opening you more to him.  The shift had him pounding into you, calling your name, moaning with each stroke.

You arched into him and met his body with yours.  You could feel your body begin to tingle. 

Jin leaned down, crushing your breasts against his hard chest and groaned “mine" in your ear as he pushed even deeper into you. 

His voice, his claim was the trigger that broke you into waves around him.  He thrust through your climax, his own growing nearer. His hips began to stutter, his movements wild and uncontrolled as he threw his head back and emptied into you. 

You had recovered just enough to watch him catch his release.  His face in climax was a work of art. You reached your hands to draw him back to you.

You pulled him to your chest and soothed him, humming and smoothing his hair.

“Mine" you whispered as his breathing finally evened out.

Jin relaxed into your soft body, reveling in your soft hands stroking him, your voice soothing him as his vision cleared and his breathing evened out.

His face was resting on your breast and he could hear the steady beat of your heart.  Your legs still cradled him. He watched the flames dance in the fireplace and decided he never wanted to leave your embrace. 

You held Jin for long moments, touching and stroking him  wherever your hands could reach.  You watched the firelight throw shadows over his golden body.

You wanted to hold him in your embrace forever.

Eventually Jin shifted to roll over, pulling you on top of him.   You sighed in contentment and kissed him.

“ I will be right back" you promised and you hurried to the bathroom , then quickly washed and brought Jin back a warm cloth. 

As he cleaned up you grabbed a couple of bottles of Souju from the Fridge and some leftovers from last night. 

Jin shared that he had to film most of the day tomorrow, and that evening would be the holiday party for the entire crew. 

Jin had explained that it was a “formal" party, but by the end everyone got pretty loose.

He had picked out your clothes for this as well and you were anxious to see what he had selected.

You reclined back into the pillows and shared the food and drink. Jin reached and covered you both with the handmade quilts. 

As the night grew long, you made plans for the future, both practical and wild.

You both were perfectly content. Your bodies were tired and your nest was cozy, your entire world wrapped in a quilt.

You fell asleep lulled by the crackling fire and the heartbeat of the man you loved.

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