chapter 8

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The ski slopes were a whole new experience for you

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The ski slopes were a whole new experience for you.  Jin quickly selected his equipment and then carefully picked gear for you.

He patiently explained what to do and demonstrated. You tried and fell.  You tried and fell.  Over and over.  You could tell Jin was a very good skier.  He was an even better snowboarder.  But he never grew frustrated with you.

About 20 minutes into Jin's instruction the whole team of managers came over to where you were, bringing chaos with them.  They were all good skiers and immediately drew the group out onto the slopes. 

Everyone was laughing and comfortable, except for you.  You did not want to hold Jin back, but you knew he would not leave you.

Jin was proud of the way you kept trying.  He was sure you would eventually get the hang of it.  You falling and pressing into his body over and over again was an added bonus.

You pulled Jin aside and whispered in his ear. 
“I want to watch you….please?” .

He flushed at the feel of you body, even through all the layers.

,Jin shook his head “No, I don’t want to leave you.

You smiled up at him and said.  “But I want to watch you.  There are seats here.  I will sit and watch."

At his frown, you reached to caress his face. “Jin, baby I am tired and sore already. I would much rather watch my hot boyfriend tearing down the slopes than sit here and struggle to stand.  PLUS…” you lowered your voice, “ I really need to save my energy for tonight.”

Jin’s eyes darkened and he crushed you in a kiss.

“You promise you are ok with it?” he asked.

“ Promise,” you replied “show me what you got."

You happily sat and watched Jin for the next couple of hours, until the group gathered to eat.

You all rode the shuttle back to the Grand Lodge for lunch. There were baskets of sweatpants and warm slippers for the guests to chose from.

Changing out of the snow boots and bibs, the whole party went in search of food, ravenous from the morning's fun.  The  food was delicious and again you enjoyed bring part of Jin's big rowdy family.

After the meal everyone lingered over the table, enjoying each other’s company.

Eventually most of the group gathered in the common room. Hot toddies were passed around and the fire, real logs in this room, was stoked to full blaze.

Deep, long couches formed a pit around the fireplace and everyone found a spot to relax.

You burrowed in a corner of the couch and Jin stretched out with his head in your lap.  You tangled your hands in his hair, watching the leaping flames.  Soon he drifted off to sleep. Most of the men scattered around the fire soon did the same. You were learning these guys could sleep anytime, anywhere. 

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