chapter 17

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He groaned “you are killing me" as you waited on the porch for him to unlock the door

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He groaned “you are killing me" as you waited on the porch for him to unlock the door.

You both stopped inside the door and helped the other off with the heavy snow boots and layers of clothes. 

Jin was down to his silk layer before you were.  He made your mouth water standing there covered in the black silk underwear.  The thin material clung to his chest, outlining his muscles.  You reached your hand to gently slide down his chest.  He stopped your hand at his waist and pulled you to him in a hard kiss. 

You could tell through the thin fabric that his body had responded to the love play in the snow.  You reached again to touch him but he moved away from you, kissing you. 

“Give me one minute, I will be right back" and he slipped into the bathroom down the hall.

You moved to the living room area and turned the fireplace on and threw all the pillows on the floor in front of it. 

You grabbed the blankets on the back of the couch and threw those nearby. You sat on your knees in front of the fire waiting for Jin.

Jin  walked down the hall just as you finished.

He stopped look at you sitting in the firelight.  His need for you roared and he stalked towards you. He pulled his shirt off as he walked.  

You turned to see Jin moving toward you.  You moaned at the purpose and desire in his face.  Your hands reached for him as he got close enough to touch. 

You ran your fingers around the waistband of his underwear.  You leaned to gently nuzzle your face against his growing erection.  He groaned and allowed you to tease him for a few moments. 

He pulled away and stepped out of the long underwear, then he dropped down beside you, pulling you down into the pillows with him. 

Jin kissed and caressed you.  He played with your long braid, wrapping it around his wrist, pulling it to open your neck to him.  He kissed and nipped his way down your throat. His lips searched for his sweet spot, the tiny spot just below your collarbone, the spot with the butterfly tattoo, that  marked you forever as his. He kissed the spot, pulling back and gently tracing the outline of the tattoo.

You slowly drew back from him and he protested, trying to bring you back. 
You rose to stand in front of him, the firelight licking shadows around your body.

Jin briefly wondered if you knew the flames make your thermal layer transparent.  He could see the rosy tips of your breasts straining against the silk, the dark triangle between your legs revealed, then hidden in shadow.

That question was soon rendered moot as you stood looking at him and slowly raised your hands to the neck of your shirt.  Jin's breath hitched as you slid your hands slowly down your body, stopping to cup and tease your breasts. 

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