chapter 25

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"In all the world, there is no heartfor me like yours

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"In all the world,
there is no heart
for me like yours.

In all the world,
there is no love
for you like mine"
                               Maya Angelou

As crazy as it sounded , you were too happy to sleep. 

Snuggled next to Jin, you were content to watch him sleep. 

He was half turned toward you, clasping your hand in his.  The full moon shone through the window, illuminating his face. 

You searched his face as if you had never seen it, never kissed it a thousand times, never longed with  your whole heart to see it. 

Every time you looked at him you saw something new, one more thing that made you love him more. 

He shifted away from you in his sleep, leaving the moon shadows falling on the bed to draw you to the window.

You quietly crawled from the bed  reaching for something to throw on.

Your hands fell on Jin's flannel pajama top he had discarded in the floor sometime earlier in your stay.  You wrapped yourself in it and inhaled his scent.

 The top was long, sleeves covering your hands and the hem covering your thighs. 

You felt a tear drop as you made the connection between this flannel shirt and the one tucked away in your closet. 

Jin had given you that shirt the night that forever first seemed  possible.  You put it away in the time you were separated because it hurt too much to wear it.  Now here it was in a new version, a new promise.

You stepped over to the window. Looking out the floor to ceiling glass, you were mesmerized by the night view. 

The full moon beamed down into the meadow behind the lodge.  New snow had fallen while you made love, covering the landscape in a pure white blanket. 

The moon's glow caused the snow to glitter like thousands of diamonds.  The sky was clear and the stars seemed close enough to touch. You wanted to remember this forever.

Jin stirred in his sleep, suddenly cold without your warmth.  He reached for you, jerking awake when he did not feel you.  He sat up in the bed, searching for you, a frown marring his beautiful face as he looked for you.

The breath was knocked out of him as he saw you in the light of the full moon,  standing in the window. 

He could see you standing there in his flannel pajama top, hair gloriously spilling down your back and shoulders.  The hem just covering the tops of your thighs.  Jin groaned as his body reacted to yours. 

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